Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240304982). Electronic Device simplified abstract

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Electronic Device

Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Pengfei Wu of Shanghai (CN)

Hanyang Wang of Reading (GB)

Meng Hou of Shanghai (CN)

Chien-Ming Lee of Shenzhen (CN)

Electronic Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240304982 titled 'Electronic Device

The abstract describes an electronic device with a conductive frame and a first antenna unit. The conductive frame surrounds the periphery of the device, while the first antenna unit consists of a first conductive layer and a second conductive layer separated in the thickness direction of the device. A conductive connection portion links the two layers, and a first conductive frame is part of the conductive frame. Together, these components enclose a first cavity with a first slot formed by the spacing between the first conductive layer and the first conductive frame.

  • The electronic device includes a conductive frame and a first antenna unit.
  • The conductive frame surrounds the device's periphery, while the first antenna unit comprises a first and second conductive layer separated in the device's thickness direction.
  • A conductive connection portion links the two layers, and a first conductive frame is part of the conductive frame.
  • These components enclose a first cavity with a first slot formed by the spacing between the first conductive layer and the first conductive frame.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. - It may also find applications in IoT devices, wearables, and other wireless communication systems.

Problems Solved: - Provides a compact and efficient antenna design for electronic devices. - Helps in improving signal reception and transmission capabilities.

Benefits: - Enhanced wireless connectivity in electronic devices. - Space-saving design for compact gadgets. - Improved overall performance of the device.

Commercial Applications: - This technology can be utilized by electronics manufacturers to enhance the wireless capabilities of their products. - It can also be integrated into IoT devices for improved connectivity and communication.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the spacing between the conductive layers impact the performance of the antenna? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in mass-produced electronic devices?

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on the latest advancements in antenna technology to enhance the performance of electronic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

an electronic device includes a conductive frame and a first antenna unit. the conductive frame is disposed around a periphery of the electronic device. the first antenna unit includes a first conductive layer and a second conductive layer spaced apart in a thickness direction of the electronic device; a conductive connection portion is configured to connect the first conductive layer and the second conductive layer; and a first conductive frame, is a part of the conductive frame. the conductive connection portion, the first conductive frame, the first conductive layer, and the second conductive layer enclose a first cavity, and the first conductive layer and the first conductive frame are spaced apart to form a first slot of the first cavity.