Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240236840). INFORMATION TRANSMISSION METHOD AND APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Yongcui Li of Beijing (CN)

Zehao Chen of Shenzhen (CN)

Hui Ni of Beijing (CN)

INFORMATION TRANSMISSION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240236840 titled 'INFORMATION TRANSMISSION METHOD AND APPARATUS

The abstract describes a method and apparatus for information transmission in a network environment.

  • First session management network element selects an edge application server discovery network element in a visited network.
  • The first session management network element sends address information of the edge application server discovery network element.
  • This allows a terminal device to access services in the visited network through roaming.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be applied in telecommunications networks to improve service access for roaming users. - It can be used in mobile networks to enhance the efficiency of data transmission.

Problems Solved: - Facilitates seamless access to services in visited networks for roaming users. - Improves network efficiency by optimizing the selection of application servers.

Benefits: - Enhanced user experience for roaming subscribers. - Increased network performance and reliability.

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Roaming Service Management in Telecommunications Networks This technology can be utilized by telecom operators to provide better roaming services to their customers, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. It can also help operators optimize their network resources and enhance overall network performance.

Questions about Enhanced Roaming Service Management: 1. How does this technology benefit roaming users in telecommunications networks? This technology benefits roaming users by enabling them to access services in visited networks more efficiently, leading to a better overall user experience.

2. What are the potential commercial implications of implementing this technology in telecom networks? Implementing this technology in telecom networks can lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased network efficiency, and potentially higher revenues for operators.

Original Abstract Submitted

this application provides an information transmission method and apparatus. the method may include: a first session management network element selects an edge application server discovery network element, where the first session management network element and the edge application server discovery network element are network elements deployed in a visited network. the first session management network element sends address information of the edge application server discovery network element. in this way, after accessing the visited network through hr roaming, a terminal device may access a service in the visited network by using the edge application server discovery network element selected by the first session management network element.