Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240214475). COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Guogang Huang of Shenzhen (CN)

Zhaoxia Liu of Shenzhen (CN)

Yuchen Guo of Shenzhen (CN)

Yunbo Li of Shenzhen (CN)

Ming Gan of Shenzhen (CN)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240214475 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for generating quality of service requirement information, including packet loss rate indication information, and sending this information.

  • The method includes specifying an acceptable maximum packet loss rate and a reference number of service data packets for measuring packet loss rate.
  • The quality of service requirement information is then transmitted to relevant parties for implementation.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Generation of quality of service requirement information with packet loss rate indication.
  • Inclusion of acceptable maximum packet loss rate and reference number of service data packets for measurement.
  • Transmission of quality of service requirement information to ensure compliance.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in telecommunications, network management, and data transmission industries to monitor and maintain service quality.

Problems Solved

  • Ensures that service providers meet specified packet loss rate requirements.
  • Facilitates effective monitoring and measurement of packet loss rates in data transmission.


  • Improves overall service quality for end users.
  • Enhances network performance and reliability.
  • Streamlines monitoring and compliance processes for service providers.

Commercial Applications

  • Title: "Enhancing Quality of Service in Data Transmission"
  • This technology can be utilized by telecommunications companies, internet service providers, and network management firms to optimize service delivery and customer satisfaction.

Questions about the Technology

How does this technology impact data transmission efficiency?

This technology ensures that data transmission is more reliable and efficient by setting and monitoring acceptable packet loss rates.

What are the potential implications of this technology in the telecommunications industry?

This technology can significantly improve service quality and customer satisfaction in the telecommunications industry by ensuring reliable data transmission.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method includes generating quality of service requirement information which includes packet loss rate indication information. the packet loss rate indication information includes an acceptable maximum packet loss rate and a reference number of service data packets. the reference number of service data packets indicates a reference measurement number for counting the packet loss rate. the method also includes sending the quality of service requirement information.