Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240177722). Encoding Method, Decoding Method, Encoding Apparatus, and Decoding Apparatus simplified abstract

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Encoding Method, Decoding Method, Encoding Apparatus, and Decoding Apparatus

Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Bin Wang of Shenzhen (CN)

Zexin Liu of Beijing (CN)

Lei Miao of Beijing (CN)

Encoding Method, Decoding Method, Encoding Apparatus, and Decoding Apparatus - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240177722 titled 'Encoding Method, Decoding Method, Encoding Apparatus, and Decoding Apparatus

Simplified Explanation

The encoding method described in the abstract involves dividing a time-domain signal into low and high band signals, encoding each band separately, synthesizing the high band signal, performing short-time post-filtering, and calculating a high frequency gain.

  • Dividing the signal into low and high band signals
  • Encoding the low band signal to obtain a low frequency encoding parameter
  • Encoding the high band signal to obtain a high frequency encoding parameter
  • Synthesizing the high band signal
  • Performing short-time post-filtering processing on the synthesized high band signal to obtain a short-time filtering signal
  • Calculating a high frequency gain based on the high band signal and the short-time filtering signal

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in audio signal processing, speech recognition, and telecommunications.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of efficiently encoding time-domain signals with different frequency components.


The benefits of this technology include improved signal encoding efficiency, better signal quality, and enhanced data compression capabilities.

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology include audio compression algorithms, speech recognition software, and telecommunications systems.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be similar signal processing methods used in audio codecs or speech recognition systems.

Unanswered Questions

How does this encoding method compare to existing methods in terms of encoding efficiency?

The article does not provide a direct comparison with existing methods in terms of encoding efficiency.

What are the computational requirements for implementing this encoding method in real-time applications?

The article does not address the computational requirements for real-time implementation of this encoding method.

Original Abstract Submitted

an encoding method includes dividing a to-be-encoded time-domain signal into a low band signal and a high band signal, performing encoding on the low band signal to obtain a low frequency encoding parameter, performing encoding on the high band signal to obtain a high frequency encoding parameter, obtaining a synthesized high band signal, performing short-time post-filtering processing on the synthesized high band signal to obtain a short-time filtering signal, and calculating a high frequency gain based on the high band signal and the short-time filtering signal.