Honor device co., ltd. (20240248752). PROCESS SCHEDULING METHOD AND TERMINAL DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

honor device co., ltd.


Wen Huang

Jing Zhao

PROCESS SCHEDULING METHOD AND TERMINAL DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240248752 titled 'PROCESS SCHEDULING METHOD AND TERMINAL DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a process scheduling method and a terminal device that prevent the scheduling of a specific process with a certain tag, reducing the likelihood of that process being executed by the CPU.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Process scheduling method that prohibits the scheduling of a specific process with a certain tag.
  • Terminal device ensures the CPU does not execute the prohibited process.
  • Prohibited process is placed at the end of the process queue to be scheduled, reducing the chances of it being executed.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in operating systems, servers, and other computing devices where specific processes need to be controlled or delayed in their execution.

Problems Solved

  • Prevents the execution of specific processes with certain tags.
  • Improves resource allocation by controlling process scheduling.
  • Reduces the probability of executing unwanted processes.


  • Enhanced control over process scheduling.
  • Improved system performance by avoiding the execution of specific processes.
  • Increased efficiency in resource allocation.

Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications include operating systems for servers, cloud computing platforms, and any system where precise process control is essential for optimal performance.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior research on process scheduling methods, CPU resource allocation, and operating system optimization to understand the background of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in process scheduling algorithms, CPU management techniques, and operating system design to enhance the effectiveness of this technology.

Questions about Process Scheduling Technology

How does the terminal device prevent the scheduling of specific processes?

The terminal device prohibits the scheduling of processes with certain tags, ensuring the CPU does not execute them.

What are the potential benefits of controlling process scheduling in computing devices?

Controlling process scheduling can lead to improved system performance, efficient resource allocation, and enhanced overall system stability.

Original Abstract Submitted

a process scheduling method and a terminal device are provided. according to the process scheduling method, for a first process with a first tag in a process set, when the first process is instructed to be scheduled, the terminal device prohibits scheduling of the first process. in this way, a cpu of the terminal device does not execute the first process, that is, the cpu does not allocate resources to the first process. alternatively, the first process is set at the end of a process queue to be scheduled, because the terminal device always executes, from the process queue to be scheduled, a top process in the process queue to be scheduled. in this way, the terminal device has a reduced probability of executing the first process.