Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (20240259929). ON DEMAND NETWORK SLICING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP



Wei Shen of Plano TX (US)

ON DEMAND NETWORK SLICING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240259929 titled 'ON DEMAND NETWORK SLICING

Simplified Explanation

Network slicing in a 5G standalone network allows devices to request specific network slices based on their needs, such as speed, latency, and reliability. An entitlement configuration server acts as the communication point between the device and the network.

  • Devices can request on-demand network slices with tailored characteristics.
  • An entitlement configuration server facilitates communication between devices and the network.

Key Features and Innovation

  • On-demand 5G slicing for devices to request specific network slices.
  • Entitlement configuration server as the communication point between devices and the network.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as telecommunications, IoT, autonomous vehicles, and smart cities.

Problems Solved

  • Allows devices to access network slices with characteristics that best suit their needs.
  • Enhances user experience by providing tailored network slices.


  • Improved network performance for devices.
  • Enhanced user experience with customized network slices.
  • Efficient utilization of network resources.

Commercial Applications

  • Telecom companies can offer customized network slices to their customers.
  • IoT devices can benefit from optimized network connectivity.
  • Autonomous vehicles can access reliable and low-latency network slices.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of network slicing in 5G networks to explore existing patents and technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest advancements in network slicing technology in 5G networks to understand its evolving applications and benefits.

Questions about Network Slicing in 5G

How does network slicing in 5G benefit IoT devices?

Network slicing in 5G allows IoT devices to access customized network slices with optimized characteristics, improving their connectivity and performance.

What role does the entitlement configuration server play in on-demand 5G slicing?

The entitlement configuration server acts as the communication point between devices and the 5G network, facilitating the request and allocation of specific network slices.

Original Abstract Submitted

network slicing is a feature and architecture in a 5g standalone (sa) network. permitting a device to request a network slice that has not already been pre-configured into the device will allow for the utilization of network slices that may have more suitable characteristics based on the particular needs of the device. systems and methods are provided for on demand 5g slicing that allow a device to interact with the 5g network to request a particular slice based on characteristics, such as speed, latency, and reliability, in order to fulfill the particular needs of the device and obtain the best user experience. in some examples, an entitlement configuration server (ecs) is used as the point of communication between a device and the 5g network.