HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. (20240221766). Very Short Pitch Detection and Coding simplified abstract

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Very Short Pitch Detection and Coding

Organization Name



Yang Gao of Mission Viejo CA (US)

Fengyan Qi of Shenzhen (CN)

Very Short Pitch Detection and Coding - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240221766 titled 'Very Short Pitch Detection and Coding

Simplified Explanation

The method described in the patent application involves detecting very short pitch lags in speech or audio signals that are shorter than the conventional minimum pitch limitation. This is done using a combination of time domain and frequency domain pitch detection techniques.

  • Pitch detection techniques include pitch correlations in the time domain and detecting a lack of low frequency energy in the speech or audio signal in the frequency domain.
  • The detected very short pitch lag is coded using a pitch range from a predetermined minimum very short pitch limitation that is smaller than the conventional minimum pitch limitation.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Detection of very short pitch lags in speech or audio signals.
  • Combination of time domain and frequency domain pitch detection techniques.
  • Coding of detected very short pitch lags using a predetermined minimum very short pitch limitation.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in:

  • Speech recognition systems
  • Audio processing applications
  • Voice modulation software

Problems Solved

  • Improved accuracy in pitch detection for very short pitch lags.
  • Enhanced coding of very short pitch lags in speech or audio signals.


  • Higher precision in analyzing speech or audio signals.
  • Better performance in pitch detection for short durations.

Commercial Applications

  • Title: Advanced Pitch Detection Technology for Speech and Audio Signals
  • This technology can be utilized in speech recognition software for improved accuracy.
  • It can also be integrated into audio editing tools for enhanced pitch manipulation capabilities.

Prior Art

There may be prior art related to pitch detection techniques in speech and audio processing technologies. Researchers can explore academic journals and patent databases for more information.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are constantly working on improving pitch detection algorithms for speech and audio signals. Stay updated on the latest advancements in this field to benefit from cutting-edge technologies.

Questions about Pitch Detection Technology

How does this technology improve pitch detection accuracy for very short pitch lags?

This technology combines time domain and frequency domain pitch detection techniques to accurately identify very short pitch lags in speech or audio signals, leading to enhanced precision in pitch analysis.

What are the potential applications of this advanced pitch detection technology?

The technology can be applied in speech recognition systems, audio processing software, and voice modulation tools to improve performance and accuracy in pitch detection and coding.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method includes detecting whether there is a very short pitch lag in a speech or audio signal that is shorter than a conventional minimum pitch limitation using a combination of time domain and frequency domain pitch detection techniques. the pitch detection techniques include using pitch correlations in a time domain and detecting a lack of low frequency energy in the speech or audio signal in a frequency domain. the detected very short pitch lag is coded using a pitch range from a predetermined minimum very short pitch limitation that is smaller than the conventional minimum pitch limitation.