Google llc (20240205004). External Key Manager Error Handling For Encrypted Platform-Hosted Data simplified abstract

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External Key Manager Error Handling For Encrypted Platform-Hosted Data

Organization Name

google llc


Rohit Vijay Jog of Milpitas CA (US)

Cristina Schmidt of Mountain View CA (US)

External Key Manager Error Handling For Encrypted Platform-Hosted Data - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240205004 titled 'External Key Manager Error Handling For Encrypted Platform-Hosted Data

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a system that responds to temporary errors preventing a computing platform from communicating with an external key manager hosting encryption keys. If the external key becomes unavailable, the system enters an observation period to check for its availability. If the key remains inaccessible after the observation period, the system unloads the encrypted data. Normal operation resumes when the key becomes accessible again.

  • Key Features and Innovation:
   - System for responding to transient errors in communication with an external key manager.
   - Ability to check for key availability during an observation period.
   - Unloading encrypted data if the key remains unavailable.
   - Resuming normal operation when the key becomes accessible again.

Potential Applications: This technology could be applied in various industries where data encryption and key management are critical, such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data storage.

Problems Solved: - Addressing temporary errors in communication with external key managers. - Ensuring data security and access to encryption keys. - Managing encrypted data effectively during key unavailability.

Benefits: - Enhanced data security and encryption key management. - Improved system resilience to temporary communication errors. - Efficient handling of encrypted data in case of key unavailability.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Secure Data Encryption System for Key Management" This technology could be utilized by cybersecurity firms, cloud service providers, and data storage companies to enhance data security and encryption key management practices. It could also be integrated into software applications that require secure data handling.

Prior Art: Readers interested in prior art related to this technology could explore patents or research papers on data encryption, key management systems, and error handling in computing platforms.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers in the field of cybersecurity and data encryption may conduct studies on improving key management systems, enhancing data security protocols, and optimizing error handling mechanisms in computing platforms.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the system determine the availability of the external key during the observation period? 2. What measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to the encrypted data during key unavailability?

Original Abstract Submitted

aspects of the disclosure relate to a system for responding to transient errors temporarily preventing a computing platform hosting data from communicating with an external key manager hosting keys used to encrypt the platform data. the encryption key can be controlled external to the system in an external key manager (ekm). if an error occurs in which the system and the ekm are temporarily not in communication, the external key controlled by the ekm is temporarily not available. the system begins an observation period, during which the observation period the system polls the ekm to check if the external key continues to be unavailable. the system unloads the encrypted data if, after the expiration of the observation period, the ekm is still not available. if the ekm and the external key becomes accessible again during the observation period, the system cancels the observation period and resumes normal operation.