Generative AI patent applications on June 22nd, 2023
Patent Applications for Generative AI on June 22nd, 2023
Number of patent applications containing 'Generative AI' or its variations: 5
Inventor(s): Wesley Teskey of Foster City CA (US) for VOLKSWAGEN AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT
IPC Code(s): G06T11/00, G06T7/00, G06N3/04
Inventor(s): Yung-Hui LI of New Taipei City (TW) for HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY CO., LTD., Shen-Hsuan LIU of New Taipei City (TW) for HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY CO., LTD., Wenny Ramadha PUTRI of New Taipei City (TW) for HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY CO., LTD.
IPC Code(s): G06V10/46, G06T3/40, G06T5/50, G06V10/24, G06V10/82
Organization: UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University
Inventor(s): No Seong PARK of Seoul (KR) for UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University, Ja Young KIM of Seoul (KR) for UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University, Jin Sung JEON of Seoul (KR) for UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University, Jae Hoon LEE of Tongyeong-si (KR) for UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University, Ji Hyeon HYEONG of Jeju-si (KR) for UIF (University Industry Foundation), Yonsei University
IPC Code(s): G06V30/19, G06N3/04, G06F17/13
Organization: Google LLC
Inventor(s): Zhehuai Chen of Jersey City NJ (US) for Google LLC, Andrew M. Rosenberg of Brooklyn NY (US) for Google LLC, Bhuvana Ramabhadran of Mt. Kisco NY (US) for Google LLC, Pedro J. Moreno Mengibar of Jersey City NJ (US) for Google LLC
IPC Code(s): G10L13/00, G10L13/08, G10L15/06
Organization: JVCKENWOOD Corporation
Inventor(s): Hideki TAKEHARA of Yokohama-shi (JP) for JVCKENWOOD Corporation, Shingo KIDA of Yokohama-shi (JP) for JVCKENWOOD Corporation, Yincheng YANG of Yokohama-shi (JP) for JVCKENWOOD Corporation
IPC Code(s): H04N23/11, G06V10/70