GOOGLE LLC (20240250841). Hierarchical Framework of Contexts for the Smart Home simplified abstract

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Hierarchical Framework of Contexts for the Smart Home

Organization Name



Daniele Midi of San Francisco CA (US)

Chrisoula Kapelonis of San Jose CA (US)

Husain Bengali of Redmond WA (US)

Andrew Larsen Axley of Bend OR (US)

Marci Meingast of San Francisco CA (US)

Lindsay Jane Graves of San Carlos CA (US)

Jacob Antony Arnold of Boulder CO (US)

Hierarchical Framework of Contexts for the Smart Home - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240250841 titled 'Hierarchical Framework of Contexts for the Smart Home

Simplified Explanation: The abstract describes techniques and devices for managing modes in a smart home system using a hierarchical framework of contexts by an electronic device.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Hierarchical framework of contexts for managing modes in a smart home system
  • Electronic device receives inputs to determine effective time intervals for transitioning between operational modes
  • Efficient management of smart home system transitions

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in smart home automation systems, IoT devices, and home security systems.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of effectively managing transitions between different operational modes in a smart home system.


  • Improved efficiency in transitioning between operational modes
  • Enhanced automation and control in smart home systems
  • Increased convenience for users in managing their smart homes

Commercial Applications: Smart home automation companies can integrate this technology into their products to offer more efficient and user-friendly solutions for homeowners. The market implications include increased demand for smart home devices with advanced transition management capabilities.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include research on smart home automation systems, IoT devices, and context-aware computing.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continually exploring new ways to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of smart home systems, which may lead to advancements in managing operational modes.

Questions about Smart Home Transition Management: 1. How does this technology improve the user experience in a smart home system? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this hierarchical framework of contexts in smart home devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

techniques and devices for a hierarchical framework of contexts for the smart home are described for managing modes in a smart home system by an electronic device. the electronic device receives a first input of a model for a second operational mode of a smart home system and receives a second input of the model for the second operational mode of the smart home system. based on the first input and the second input, the electronic device determines an effective time interval for the second operational mode that is effective to cause the smart home system to transition from a first operational mode to the second operational mode during the effective time interval.