GOOGLE LLC (20240241906). Real-Time Micro-Profile Generation Using a Dynamic Tree Structure simplified abstract

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Real-Time Micro-Profile Generation Using a Dynamic Tree Structure

Organization Name



Ruxandra Georgiana Davies of Pacific Palisades CA (US)

Scott Tadashi Davies of Pacific Palisades CA (US)

Real-Time Micro-Profile Generation Using a Dynamic Tree Structure - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240241906 titled 'Real-Time Micro-Profile Generation Using a Dynamic Tree Structure

The abstract of the patent application describes a system that generates real-time micro-profiles using a dynamic tree structure. The system receives voice queries, generates pivot points in the tree structure based on historical searches, prompts for user selection, and builds micro-profiles for electronic account identifiers.

  • The system uses historical searches to create pivot points in a tree structure for voice queries.
  • Audio prompts are used to request user selection of child nodes in the tree structure.
  • The system generates micro-profiles based on user selections and historical searches related to those selections.
  • A resource reduction policy is applied to optimize the generation of child nodes in the tree structure.
  • The system dynamically builds micro-profiles for electronic account identifiers based on user interactions with the tree structure.

Potential Applications: - Personalized recommendation systems - Voice-activated virtual assistants - Customer service automation

Problems Solved: - Efficient generation of micro-profiles in real-time - Enhanced user experience through voice interaction - Resource optimization in tree structure generation

Benefits: - Improved accuracy of personalized recommendations - Streamlined user interactions with electronic account identifiers - Cost-effective resource management in profile generation

Commercial Applications: Title: Real-Time Micro-Profile Generation System for Personalized Recommendations This technology can be utilized in e-commerce platforms, streaming services, and online advertising to enhance user engagement and drive sales through personalized recommendations.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the system determine the pivot points in the tree structure based on historical searches? The system analyzes the relevance and frequency of past searches to identify key topics for pivot points. 2. What measures are in place to ensure the resource reduction policy does not compromise the accuracy of micro-profile generation? The system continuously evaluates the impact of resource reduction on profile quality and adjusts the policy accordingly.

Original Abstract Submitted

real-time micro-profile generating using a dynamic tree structure is provided. a system receives a first voice query. the system generates, from historical searches related to the first voice query, a first pivot point in a tree structure for the first voice query having child nodes. the system outputs an audio prompt to request selection of one of the child nodes. the system receives, responsive to the audio prompt, a voice input with a selection of a first child node. the system generates, from historical searches related to the first child node, a second pivot point in the tree structure including grandchild nodes. the system determines, based on a resource reduction policy, to generate a checkpoint to reduce additional child node generation. the system builds, based on a response to the checkpoint, a micro-profile for the electronic account identifier with the tree structure.