Fitness and Wearable patent applications on January 11th, 2024
Patent Applications for Fitness and Wearable on January 11th, 2024
Number of patent applications containing 'Fitness and Wearable' or its variations: 4
Organization: Unknown Organization
Inventor(s): Todd Ewing of Walnut Creek CA (US) for Unknown Organization
IPC Code(s): A61K31/385, A61K31/198
20240009518. MOTORIZED FITNESS WHEEL simplified abstract (ZeroWheel, LLC)
Organization: ZeroWheel, LLC
Inventor(s): Neil Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Pranav Solanki of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Brian Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Kenneth Pasch of Dover MA (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC
IPC Code(s): A63B24/00, A63B21/005, A63B22/20
20240009520. MOTORIZED FITNESS WHEEL simplified abstract (ZeroWheel, LLC)
Organization: ZeroWheel, LLC
Inventor(s): Neil Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Pranav Solanki of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Brian Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Kenneth Pasch of Dover MA (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC
IPC Code(s): A63B24/00, A63B22/20, A63B21/005
20240009521. MOTORIZED FITNESS WHEEL simplified abstract (ZeroWheel, LLC)
Organization: ZeroWheel, LLC
Inventor(s): Neil Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Pranav Solanki of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Brian Singer of Armonk NY (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC, Kenneth Pasch of Dover MA (US) for ZeroWheel, LLC
IPC Code(s): A63B24/00, A63B21/005, A63B22/20