Dolby International AB (20240274142). Model Based Prediction in a Critically Sampled Filterbank simplified abstract

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Model Based Prediction in a Critically Sampled Filterbank

Organization Name

Dolby International AB


Lars Villemoes of Jarfalla (SE)

Model Based Prediction in a Critically Sampled Filterbank - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240274142 titled 'Model Based Prediction in a Critically Sampled Filterbank

The present document discusses audio source coding systems that utilize linear prediction in combination with a filterbank. It describes a method for estimating a sample of a subband signal from two or more previous samples of the subband signal. The subband signal corresponds to a plurality of subbands with equal spacing in a subband-domain representation of an audio signal. The method involves determining signal model data using a model parameter, calculating prediction coefficients from lookup tables and analytical functions, and applying these coefficients to the previous samples to estimate the current sample.

  • Linear prediction combined with filterbank for audio source coding
  • Estimation of subband signal samples from previous samples
  • Equal subband spacing in subband-domain representation of audio signal
  • Calculation of prediction coefficients using lookup tables and analytical functions
  • Application of coefficients to previous samples for sample estimation
    • Potential Applications:**

- Audio compression and transmission systems - Speech recognition technology - Music streaming services

    • Problems Solved:**

- Efficient audio signal compression - Improved audio quality in transmission - Reduction of data bandwidth in audio applications

    • Benefits:**

- Enhanced audio coding efficiency - Better prediction accuracy in subband signals - Reduced data storage and transmission requirements

    • Commercial Applications:**
  • Optimized audio streaming services for mobile devices*
    • Questions about Audio Source Coding Systems:**

1. How does linear prediction improve audio compression efficiency? 2. What are the key advantages of using a filterbank in audio source coding systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

the present document relates to audio source coding systems which make use of linear prediction in combination with a filterbank. a method for estimating a sample of a subband signal from two or more previous samples of the subband signal is described. the subband signal corresponds to a plurality of subbands, having an equal subband spacing, of a subband-domain representation of an audio signal. the method comprises determining signal model data using a model parameter; determining a first prediction coefficient in response to the model parameter using a first lookup table and/or a first analytical function; determining a second prediction coefficient in response to the model parameter using a second lookup table and/or a second analytical function; and determining the estimate of the sample by applying the first prediction coefficient to the first previous sample and applying the second prediction coefficient to the second previous sample.