Dell products l.p. (20240256395). Method and System for Instant Availability of Container Platform Workloads simplified abstract

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Method and System for Instant Availability of Container Platform Workloads

Organization Name

dell products l.p.


Salil Gupta of Bangalore (IN)

Bahubali Jain of Kalaburgi (IN)

Prakash Venkatanarayanan of Framingham MA (US)

Thomas L. Watson of Richardson TX (US)

Abhijit Tripathy of Bangalore (IN)

Harish Prabhakara of Bangalore (IN)

Method and System for Instant Availability of Container Platform Workloads - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240256395 titled 'Method and System for Instant Availability of Container Platform Workloads

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system and methods that allow for instant access to data of a workload/container-based application, enabling recreation of the application at a different container platform.

  • A connection is established between the destination container platform and a source storage.
  • A volume of the container-based application is taken and stored to the source storage.
  • The destination container platform accesses the storage to create a proxy volume that maps and copies data of the snapshot.
  • Data is pulled from the proxy volume as needed to recreate the container-based application at the destination host platform.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Instant access to data of a workload/container-based application.
  • Recreating the application at a different container platform.
  • Establishing a connection between destination and source storage.
  • Mapping and copying data using a proxy volume.
  • Pulling data from the proxy volume to recreate the application.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in cloud computing, software development, data migration, disaster recovery, and container orchestration.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenges of data access and recreation of container-based applications at different platforms efficiently and effectively.


  • Faster access to application data.
  • Seamless recreation of applications at different container platforms.
  • Improved data migration and disaster recovery processes.

Commercial Applications

  • Cloud service providers can offer faster data access and application recreation services.
  • Software development companies can streamline their deployment processes.
  • Data migration companies can improve their efficiency in transferring data between platforms.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of container-based application management and data access technologies to explore similar innovations.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in container technology, data storage, and disaster recovery solutions to enhance the efficiency of this technology.

Questions about the Technology

How does this technology improve data access for container-based applications?

This technology enables instant access to data of a workload/container-based application, allowing for efficient recreation at a different container platform.

What are the potential commercial applications of this technology?

This technology can be utilized in cloud computing, software development, data migration, disaster recovery, and container orchestration, offering various commercial opportunities.

Original Abstract Submitted

described are system and methods that provide instant access of data of a workload/container-based application, allowing the workload/container-based application to be recreated at the destination container platform. a connection is established between the destination container platform and a source storage; a volume of the container-based application is taken and stored to the source storage. a storage accessed by the destination container platform creates a proxy volume which maps and copies data of the snapshot. the data is pulled from the proxy volume as needed to recreate the container-based application at the destination host platform.