Dell products l.p. (20240202079). PRIORITIZE SLICES FOR FASTER FILE BACKUP AND RESTORE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

dell products l.p.


Soumen Acharya of Bangalore (IN)

Aaditya Rakesh Bansal of Bangalore (IN)

Shelesh Chopra of Bangalore (IN)

Upanshu Singhal of Bangalore (IN)

PRIORITIZE SLICES FOR FASTER FILE BACKUP AND RESTORE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240202079 titled 'PRIORITIZE SLICES FOR FASTER FILE BACKUP AND RESTORE

The patent application relates to methods and systems for efficiently backing up a production host by assigning assets to slices based on their type, such as directory information or data, and using flags to determine the order of transferring streams to backup containers in a backup storage.

  • Assets are assigned to slices based on their type, such as directory information or data.
  • Flags are assigned to slices to determine the order of transferring streams to backup containers.
  • Efficient utilization of available connections between containers and the production host is achieved.
  • Better utilization of system and network resources is ensured.
  • Improved backup and recovery performance is achieved.

Potential Applications: - Data backup and recovery systems - Cloud storage solutions - Disaster recovery planning

Problems Solved: - Efficient utilization of system and network resources - Improved backup and recovery performance - Streamlining data backup processes

Benefits: - Faster and more efficient data backup and recovery - Optimal utilization of available resources - Enhanced system reliability and data protection

Commercial Applications: Title: "Efficient Data Backup and Recovery System" This technology can be utilized by data centers, IT companies, and businesses with large amounts of critical data to ensure efficient and reliable backup and recovery processes.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does assigning assets to slices based on their type improve the efficiency of data backup processes? 2. What are the key benefits of using flags to determine the order of transferring streams to backup containers?

Original Abstract Submitted

embodiments of the invention relate to methods and systems for efficiently backing up a production host. in one or more embodiments, assets are assigned to one or more slices. depending on the type of assets assigned to a slice such as directory information versus data, the slices are assigned a flag. this flag may then be used to determine which streams a slice should be assigned to and based on the specific flags of the slices assigned to each stream, the order by which the streams are transferred to backup containers located in a backup storage may be determined. this may result in better or more efficient utilization of available connections between the containers and the production host, resulting in better utilization of system and network resources as well as a better backup and recovery performance.