Dell products l.p. (20240201886). DATA VOLUME ACCESS PROTOCOL CONVERSION WITHOUT DATA COPY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

dell products l.p.


Prakash Venkatanarayanan of Framingham MA (US)

David L. Black of Acton MA (US)

Rivka Matosevich of Zichron Ya'acov (IL)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240201886 titled 'DATA VOLUME ACCESS PROTOCOL CONVERSION WITHOUT DATA COPY

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a method for converting a storage volume from one access protocol to another without disrupting operations. This involves creating a destination volume accessible via the second protocol, generating a token and handle pair to represent the source volume's data content, and updating metadata in the destination volume to reference the source data without physically copying it.

  • The method allows for the seamless conversion of storage volumes between different access protocols.
  • A destination volume is created to accommodate the data under the new protocol.
  • Tokens and handles are used to represent the data content and source volume, respectively.
  • Metadata in the destination volume is updated to reference the source data without duplicating it.
  • The destination volume then functions as the storage volume accessible via the second protocol.

Potential Applications: 1. Data migration between storage systems with different access protocols. 2. Upgrading storage infrastructure without disrupting ongoing operations. 3. Facilitating interoperability between diverse storage technologies.

Problems Solved: 1. Eliminates the need for disruptive data copying during protocol conversion. 2. Simplifies the process of transitioning storage volumes to new access protocols. 3. Reduces downtime and potential data loss during storage system upgrades.

Benefits: 1. Seamless and non-disruptive conversion of storage volumes. 2. Improved efficiency in managing storage infrastructure. 3. Enhanced data accessibility and interoperability.

Commercial Applications: Title: Non-Disruptive Storage Protocol Conversion Technology This technology can be utilized in data centers, cloud storage services, and enterprise storage solutions to streamline protocol conversions and enhance data management capabilities. It offers a competitive advantage by enabling efficient and seamless storage infrastructure upgrades.

Questions about Storage Protocol Conversion: 1. How does this method ensure data integrity during the conversion process? The method maintains data integrity by referencing the source data without physically copying it, reducing the risk of data corruption or loss.

2. What are the potential cost savings associated with using this technology for storage protocol conversions? By eliminating the need for extensive data copying and downtime, organizations can save on operational costs and minimize disruptions to their storage systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method is disclosed of copy-free, non-disruptive conversion of a storage volume from a first access protocol to a distinct second access protocol. in a preparatory step a destination volume accessible according to the second access protocol is created. a pairing of a token and a handle is created, the token representing data content of the source volume, the handle being associated with the token and usable to represent the source volume according to the second protocol. in response to a subsequent copy-with-handle command, and based on the pairing of the handle with the token, metadata of the destination volume is populated to reference, without copying, the underlying stored data, the destination volume thereafter functioning as the storage volume accessed using the second protocol.