DNA Storage patent applications on February 6th, 2025
Patent Applications for DNA Storage on February 6th, 2025
Number of patent applications containing 'DNA Storage' or its variations: 6
Eli Lilly and Company (20250042990). ANTI-IL-1-BETA ANTIBODIES
Organization: Eli Lilly and Company
Inventor(s): Supratik DUTTA of Indianapolis IN (US) for Eli Lilly and Company, Juqun SHEN of Indianapolis IN (US) for Eli Lilly and Company, Andrew Dixon SKORA of Indianapolis IN (US) for Eli Lilly and Company, Cheng WANG of Indianapolis IN (US) for Eli Lilly and Company
IPC Code(s): C07K16/24, A61K39/00, A61P29/00
CPC Code(s): C07K16/245
Organization: Northwestern University
Inventor(s): Chad A. Mirkin of Wilmette IL (US) for Northwestern University, Max Everett Distler of Evanston IL (US) for Northwestern University, Ho Fung Cheng of Evanston IL (US) for Northwestern University, Kyle Joseph Gibson of Evanston IL (US) for Northwestern University
IPC Code(s): C08G83/00, C12N15/11
CPC Code(s): C08G83/004
Inventor(s): Chiuan-Chian CHIOU of Taoyuan City (TW) for CHANG GUNG UNIVERSITY, Ya-Han CHANG of Taoyuan City (TW) for CHANG GUNG UNIVERSITY, Wei CHANG of Taoyuan City (TW) for CHANG GUNG UNIVERSITY
IPC Code(s): C12N15/11, C12Q1/6806, C12Q1/6869
CPC Code(s): C12N15/11
Organization: FLONEXT S.R.L.
Inventor(s): Romina NASSINI of Firenze (IT) for FLONEXT S.R.L., Pierangelo GEPPETTI of Firenze (IT) for FLONEXT S.R.L., Francesco DE LOGU of Castiglione della Pescaia (GR) (IT) for FLONEXT S.R.L.
IPC Code(s): C12N15/113, A61K9/00, A61K9/06, A61K9/127, A61P17/06
CPC Code(s): C12N15/113
Organization: Empirico Inc.
Inventor(s): Omri GOTTESMAN of San Diego CA (US) for Empirico Inc., Shannon BRUSE of San Diego CA (US) for Empirico Inc., Brian CAJES of San Diego CA (US) for Empirico Inc., David LEWIS of Madison WI (US) for Empirico Inc., David ROZEMA of Cross Plains WI (US) for Empirico Inc., John VEKICH of San Diego CA (US) for Empirico Inc.
IPC Code(s): C12N15/113, A61P25/24, A61P25/28
CPC Code(s): C12N15/113
Organization: 10x Genomics, Inc.
Inventor(s): Su WANG of Berkeley CA (US) for 10x Genomics, Inc., Robert HENLEY of Castro Valley CA (US) for 10x Genomics, Inc.
IPC Code(s): C12Q1/6841, C12Q1/6874
CPC Code(s): C12Q1/6841
- C07K16/24
- A61K39/00
- A61P29/00
- CPC A61P29/00
- Eli Lilly and Company
- C08G83/00
- C12N15/11
- CPC C12N15/11
- Northwestern University
- C12Q1/6806
- C12Q1/6869
- CPC C12Q1/6869
- C12N15/113
- A61K9/00
- A61K9/06
- A61K9/127
- A61P17/06
- CPC A61P17/06
- A61P25/24
- A61P25/28
- CPC A61P25/28
- Empirico Inc.
- C12Q1/6841
- C12Q1/6874
- CPC C12Q1/6874
- 10x Genomics, Inc.
- DNA Storage