DISH Technologies L.L.C. (20240210908). DYNAMIC 3D OBJECT RECOGNITION AND PRINTING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

DISH Technologies L.L.C.


Nicholas Newell of Centennial CO (US)

Swapnil Tilaye of Westminster CO (US)

DYNAMIC 3D OBJECT RECOGNITION AND PRINTING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240210908 titled 'DYNAMIC 3D OBJECT RECOGNITION AND PRINTING

The abstract describes a patent application for three-dimensional (3D) object manufacturing systems and methods that allow users to manufacture printed 3D objects based on physical objects of interest seen in media content events.

  • Users can select physical objects of interest from media content events and have them manufactured as printed 3D objects.
  • The system utilizes at least one 3D printer accessible to the user to create the printed 3D object corresponding to the viewed physical object.
  • This technology bridges the gap between virtual and physical worlds by enabling users to bring digital representations of objects into the physical realm.
  • The innovation opens up possibilities for personalized manufacturing and customization based on individual preferences and interests.
  • By leveraging media content events as inspiration, users can easily replicate and own physical versions of objects that catch their eye.

Potential Applications: - Customized manufacturing of 3D objects based on media content events - Personalized merchandise creation for fans of specific media content - Educational tools for replicating objects seen in educational videos or documentaries

Problems Solved: - Bridging the gap between virtual and physical worlds - Providing a seamless way for users to bring digital objects into the physical realm - Enabling personalized manufacturing based on individual interests and preferences

Benefits: - Enhanced user engagement with media content events - Increased customization and personalization options for 3D object manufacturing - Simplified process for replicating physical objects of interest seen in media

Commercial Applications: Title: Personalized 3D Object Manufacturing System for Media Content Events This technology could be utilized in the entertainment industry for creating merchandise based on popular media content events, in the education sector for interactive learning experiences, and in the consumer market for customized product manufacturing.

Questions about 3D Object Manufacturing Systems for Media Content Events: 1. How does this technology impact the way users interact with media content events? This technology enhances user engagement by allowing them to bring digital objects from media content events into the physical world, creating a more immersive experience.

2. What are the potential copyright implications of replicating physical objects based on media content events? The replication of physical objects based on media content events may raise copyright concerns, and users should be aware of any intellectual property rights associated with the objects they choose to manufacture.

Original Abstract Submitted

three-dimensional (3d) object manufacturing systems and methods are operable to manufacture printed 3d objects corresponding to user-selected physical objects of interest shown in a media content event that have been viewed by a user, wherein at least one 3d printer that is accessible by the user of the media device is operable to manufacture the printed 3d object corresponding to the viewed physical object of interest.