Cubic Corporation (20240214435). CHIRP SIGNAL FILTERING FOR DIGITAL GATEWAY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Cubic Corporation


Stephen J. Mansfield of Weymouth (GB)

Neal F. Nystrom of Potomac Falls VA (US)

CHIRP SIGNAL FILTERING FOR DIGITAL GATEWAY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240214435 titled 'CHIRP SIGNAL FILTERING FOR DIGITAL GATEWAY

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system and method for filtering chirp noise in radio signals passing through a Radio over Internet Protocol (RoIP) gateway in a communication network. Chirp noise is detected and removed without clipping the audio signals, preserving their integrity.

  • Chirp noise filtering system for RoIP gateways
  • Detection and removal of chirp noise in radio signals
  • Preservation of audio signal integrity without clipping
  • Ensuring true audio quality while filtering out unwanted noise
  • Buffering incoming signals for chirp noise detection

Key Features and Innovation

  • Detection and removal of chirp noise in radio signals passing through a RoIP gateway
  • Use of a chirp filter to filter out unwanted noise while preserving audio integrity
  • Buffering incoming signals to detect chirp noise efficiently
  • Ensuring true audio quality without clipping during the filtering process

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in various communication networks where radio signals are transmitted through RoIP gateways. It can be used in industries such as public safety, military, and emergency services where clear audio communication is crucial.

Problems Solved

  • Filtering out chirp noise in radio signals passing through RoIP gateways
  • Preserving audio integrity without clipping during the filtering process
  • Ensuring clear and uninterrupted communication in critical situations


  • Improved audio quality in communication networks
  • Enhanced clarity in radio signals by removing unwanted chirp noise
  • Better overall performance of RoIP gateways in transmitting audio signals

Commercial Applications

The technology can be utilized in industries such as public safety, military, emergency services, and telecommunications for clear and uninterrupted communication. It can also be integrated into existing RoIP systems to enhance audio quality and performance.

Questions about Chirp Noise Filtering

How does the chirp noise filtering system work in a RoIP gateway?

The system buffers incoming signals, detects chirp noise, and uses a chirp filter to remove the noise while preserving audio integrity.

What are the potential applications of chirp noise filtering technology?

The technology can be applied in communication networks for public safety, military, emergency services, and telecommunications to improve audio quality and clarity.

Original Abstract Submitted

a system and method for filtering chirp noise as it passes through a radio over internet protocol (roip) gateway in a communication network is disclosed. radio signals often include a short burst of chirm noise. incoming signals are buffered and any chirp noise is detected. a chirp filter performs the filtering operation to remove chirp signal while ensuring true audio in not clipped. without audio clipping the integrity of the audio signals are preserved.