Cisco technology, inc. (20240323096). RECOMMENDATION GROUPING FOR PREDICTIVE NETWORKING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

cisco technology, inc.


Jean-Philippe Vasseur of Combloux (FR)

Grégory Mermoud of Venthòne (CH)

Pierre-André Savalle of Rueil-Malmaison (FR)

Eduard Schornig of Haarlem (NL)

RECOMMENDATION GROUPING FOR PREDICTIVE NETWORKING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240323096 titled 'RECOMMENDATION GROUPING FOR PREDICTIVE NETWORKING

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a device that generates recommendations to optimize the quality of experience for applications on a network. It assigns scores to different groupings of recommendations and selects the best grouping for implementation in the network.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Device generates recommendations for network optimization
  • Assigns scores to different groupings of recommendations
  • Selects the best grouping based on scores for implementation

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in various networks to enhance the quality of experience for users accessing different applications.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of optimizing the quality of experience for applications on a network by providing tailored recommendations.


  • Improved quality of experience for users
  • Efficient network optimization
  • Tailored recommendations for application performance

Commercial Applications: This technology could be utilized in telecommunications, streaming services, online gaming platforms, and other network-based industries to enhance user experience and performance.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to network optimization, recommendation systems, and quality of experience enhancement in network technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest research on network optimization, recommendation systems, and quality of experience enhancement in network technologies.

Questions about Network Optimization: 1. How does the device determine the scores for different groupings of recommendations? 2. What are some potential challenges in implementing the selected grouping in a network environment?

Original Abstract Submitted

in one embodiment, a device generates a plurality of recommendations for a network, each recommendation indicating a suggested action to optimize quality of experience of a corresponding application accessible via the network. the device assigns scores to different possible groupings of the plurality of recommendations. the device selects a particular grouping from among the plurality of recommendations, based on their scores. the device provides the particular grouping for implementation in the network.