Cisco technology, inc. (20240297838). HARDWARE ACCELERATED PATH TRACING ANALYTICS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

cisco technology, inc.


Clarence Filsfils of Brussels (BE)

Pablo Camarillo Garvia of Madrid (ES)

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdelsalam of L'Aquila (IT)

Sonia Ben Ayed of Vanves (FR)

Jisu Bhattacharya of San Jose CA (US)

HARDWARE ACCELERATED PATH TRACING ANALYTICS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240297838 titled 'HARDWARE ACCELERATED PATH TRACING ANALYTICS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes techniques for processing path tracing probe packets using hardware without the involvement of a path tracing collector component. Source nodes assign random flow labels to probe packets, which are then sent through the network to a sink node. The sink node determines if the flow indicated by the probe packet has been traversed before, calculates latency values, and stores probe packets in corresponding latency bins in hardware memory.

  • Source nodes assign random flow labels to probe packets.
  • Sink nodes determine if a flow has been traversed before and calculate latency values.
  • Probe packets are stored in latency bins in hardware memory.
  • Telemetry data representing the probe packets stored in the latency bins can be sent to a network controller for further analysis.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Processing path tracing probe packets using hardware memory without a path tracing collector component.
  • Source nodes assigning random flow labels to probe packets.
  • Sink nodes determining flow traversal history and calculating latency values.
  • Storing probe packets in latency bins in hardware memory for further analysis.

Potential Applications

  • Network performance monitoring and analysis.
  • Troubleshooting network latency issues.
  • Optimizing network traffic flow.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient processing of path tracing probe packets.
  • Real-time monitoring and analysis of network traffic.
  • Improved network performance and latency management.


  • Enhanced network visibility and control.
  • Faster detection and resolution of network issues.
  • Optimal utilization of network resources.

Commercial Applications

  • Network equipment manufacturers for enhancing network monitoring capabilities.
  • Telecommunication companies for improving network performance.
  • Data centers for optimizing data traffic flow.

Prior Art

There may be prior art related to hardware-based processing of network probe packets and latency analysis techniques in the field of network monitoring and optimization.

Frequently Updated Research

Research on hardware acceleration techniques for network traffic analysis and latency measurement may be relevant to this technology.

Questions about the Technology

How does this technology improve network performance?

This technology improves network performance by efficiently processing probe packets, analyzing latency values, and optimizing network traffic flow.

What are the potential commercial applications of this technology?

The potential commercial applications include network equipment manufacturing, telecommunication companies, and data centers for enhancing network monitoring and performance optimization.

Original Abstract Submitted

techniques for processing path tracing probe packets using hardware (e.g., hardware memory of a node) and without the involvement of a path tracing collector component of a network controller. a source node may be configured to generate and assign random flow labels to a large number of probe packets and send them through the network to a sink node. the sink node may determine whether a flow indicated by the probe packet has previously been traversed. additionally, the sink node may determine latency values associated with the flows, and store probe packets in corresponding latency bins. the latency bins may be stored in hardware memory of the sink node. telemetry data representing the probe packets stored in the latency bins may be sent to a network controller for further network analysis.