Cisco Technology, Inc. (20240256512). DATA OPERATIONS ACCELERATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Cisco Technology, Inc.


D. Brice Achkir of Livermore CA (US)

Kaushal Sanjay Mhalgi of San Jose CA (US)

Gautam Khandelwal of Tracy CA (US)

DATA OPERATIONS ACCELERATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240256512 titled 'DATA OPERATIONS ACCELERATION

The patent application describes methods for accelerating data operations by splitting data records into sub-records and utilizing in-memory storage.

  • A computing device processes a complex data record containing a unique identifier, primary information, and multiple data values that change over time.
  • The device splits the complex data record into sub-records based on predefined rules, separating primary information from data values.
  • Each sub-record is assigned a unique binding identifier and linked to other sub-records using these identifiers.
  • The sub-records are stored in a blockchain using an in-memory database for efficient data management.

Potential Applications: - Data processing and management systems - Blockchain technology - In-memory database applications

Problems Solved: - Accelerating data operations - Efficient storage and retrieval of complex data records - Enhanced data security through blockchain integration

Benefits: - Improved data processing speed - Enhanced data organization and retrieval - Increased data security and integrity

Commercial Applications: Title: "Accelerated Data Operations Technology for Efficient Data Management" This technology can be utilized in various industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management for optimizing data processing and storage.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this technology improve data processing efficiency? - This technology accelerates data operations by splitting complex data records into sub-records and utilizing in-memory storage for faster access and retrieval.

2. What are the potential security implications of storing data in a blockchain using this technology? - Storing data in a blockchain enhances security by providing a tamper-proof and decentralized storage solution, ensuring data integrity and authenticity.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods that provide accelerated data operations by splitting data records into sub-records and by using in-memory storage. in these methods, a computing device obtains a complex data record that includes at least one unique identifier, primary information about the complex data record, and a plurality of data values that change over time. the computing device generates a plurality of data sub-records by splitting, based on a set of rules, the complex data record into a plurality of parts in which at least a portion of the primary information is separated from the plurality of data values and added to a respective data sub-record of the plurality of data sub-records, generating a unique binding identifier, and adding the unique binding identifier to each of the plurality of data sub-records to link the plurality of data sub-records to each other. the data sub-records are stored, using an in-memory database, into a blockchain.