China Medical University (20240233572). VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM OF ACUPUNCTURE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

China Medical University


Sheng-Teng Huang of Taichung City (TW)

Wei-Te Huang of Taichung City (TW)

Chin-Wei Chang of Taichung City (TW)

Mien-Chie Hung of Taichung City (TW)

Jaung-Geng Lin of Taichung City (TW)

Mao-Feng Sun of Taichung City (TW)

Kun-San Chao of Taichung City (TW)

Shi-Chen Ou of Taichung City (TW)

Yu-Chuan Lin of Taichung City (TW)

Hao-Hsiu Hung of Taichung City (TW)

Ting-Yu Huang of Taichung City (TW)

Po-En Chen of Taichung City (TW)

VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM OF ACUPUNCTURE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240233572 titled 'VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM OF ACUPUNCTURE

Simplified Explanation:

The virtual reality acupuncture system described in the patent application includes a head-mounted display, a mannequin, a joystick for hand movement tracking, a computing host, and an acupuncture virtual reality application. This system creates a virtual reality model for acupuncture practice, simulating a consultation room and a 3D spherical acupoint model of the human body.

  • The system includes a head-mounted display, a mannequin, a joystick, a computing host, and an acupuncture virtual reality application.
  • The computing host constructs an acupoint database and transmits data to the head-mounted display.
  • The acupuncture virtual reality application builds a virtual reality model for acupuncture practice, simulating a consultation room.
  • The 3D spherical acupoint model of the human body helps determine needle insertion depth and position accurately.

Potential Applications:

This technology could be used for training acupuncture students, practicing needle insertion techniques, and simulating realistic acupuncture sessions.

Problems Solved:

This technology addresses the challenges of accurately determining needle insertion depth and position in acupuncture practice.


The system provides a realistic and immersive virtual reality environment for acupuncture training and practice, improving accuracy and precision in needle insertion techniques.

Commercial Applications:

Title: Virtual Reality Acupuncture Training System This technology could be commercially used in acupuncture schools, training centers, and healthcare facilities to enhance acupuncture education and practice.

Prior Art:

Prior art related to this technology may include virtual reality training systems for medical procedures and acupuncture simulation software.

Frequently Updated Research:

Research on the effectiveness of virtual reality training in acupuncture education and its impact on skill development could be relevant to this technology.

Questions about Virtual Reality Acupuncture System:

1. How does the virtual reality acupuncture system improve needle insertion accuracy? 2. What are the potential benefits of using virtual reality for acupuncture training and practice?

Original Abstract Submitted

a virtual reality acupuncture system contains a virtual reality device comprising: a head-mounted display for viewing a virtual scene model and a mannequin, and a joystick for tracking hand movements for needle insertion determination; an computing host that transmits data with a head-mounted display and constructs an acupoint database, and an acupuncture virtual reality application which is executed to build a virtual reality model, in which the acupuncture virtual reality application constructs a situational scene model for simulating the actual condition of the consultation room; and a virtual 3d spherical acupoint model of the human body, which has a sphere area located at a certain depth below the skin surface, and has a skin distance model, so that the needle can sense the distance depth after touching the skin, which can be used to determine whether the needle position is not outside the sphere area.