Chengdu boe optoelectronics technology co., ltd. (20240268176). DISPLAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

chengdu boe optoelectronics technology co., ltd.


Li Chen of Beijing (CN)

Jaeho Lee of Beijing (CN)

Dongyu Gao of Beijing (CN)

Cheng Zeng of Beijing (CN)

Zhenye Wei of Beijing (CN)

Zhen Sun of Beijing (CN)

Shangshu Sun of Beijing (CN)

Qiyun Wang of Beijing (CN)

DISPLAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240268176 titled 'DISPLAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS

The abstract of the patent application describes a display substrate with a first base substrate, a reflective layer, a color conversion layer, light sources, and a color filter.

  • The display substrate includes a reflective layer and a color conversion layer for improved color display.
  • Light sources are positioned in between color filter blocks to enhance color accuracy.
  • The arrangement of light sources and color filter blocks ensures non-overlapping projections on a plane perpendicular to the substrate surface.
  • This technology aims to improve color reproduction and display quality in electronic devices.
  • By optimizing the placement of light sources and color filters, this innovation enhances the visual experience for users.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions to improve color accuracy and display quality.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of achieving accurate and vibrant colors in display screens by optimizing the placement of light sources and color filters.

Benefits: The benefits of this technology include enhanced color reproduction, improved display quality, and a better visual experience for users of electronic devices.

Commercial Applications: This technology has commercial applications in the consumer electronics industry, particularly in the development of high-quality displays for smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the placement of light sources and color filters impact color accuracy in display screens? 2. What are the potential market implications of this technology in the consumer electronics industry?

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continually exploring new methods to enhance color reproduction and display quality in electronic devices, which may lead to further advancements in this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display substrate includes a first base substrate; a reflective layer on the first base substrate; a color conversion layer on a side of the reflective layer away from the first base substrate; and a plurality of light sources in an inter-subpixel region and a color filter comprising a plurality of color filter blocks at least partially in a plurality of subpixel regions, respectively, on a side of the color conversion layer away from the reflective layer. one or more light sources of the plurality of light sources are in a first gap between two adjacent color filter blocks of the plurality of color filter blocks. an orthographic projection of the plurality of light sources and an orthographic projection of the color conversion layer on a plane perpendicular to a surface of the first base substrate and intersecting the plurality of light sources and the color conversion layer are non-overlapping.