Canon kabushiki kaisha (20240305871). IMAGING DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

canon kabushiki kaisha


YUSUKE Hirano of Kanagawa (JP)

IMAGING DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240305871 titled 'IMAGING DEVICE

The imaging device described in the patent application consists of a casing housing various components such as an image sensor circuit board, a lens unit, and a main circuit board.

  • The image sensor circuit board is configured to mount an image sensor and is connected to a lens unit on the light reception surface side.
  • A heat dissipation unit is provided on the opposite side of the image sensor circuit board to dissipate heat generated by the image sensor.
  • An image sensor heat transmission member is used to transfer heat from the image sensor circuit board to the heat dissipation unit.
  • A main circuit board is also housed in the casing, with a heat transmission member to transfer heat to a heat dissipation unit.
  • A heat isolation unit is placed between the image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit and the main circuit board heat dissipation unit to prevent heat transmission between them.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in digital cameras, surveillance cameras, and other imaging devices that require efficient heat dissipation for optimal performance.

Problems Solved: - The patent addresses the issue of heat buildup in imaging devices, which can affect the performance and longevity of the components.

Benefits: - Improved heat dissipation ensures better overall performance and reliability of the imaging device. - Enhanced durability and longevity of the components due to effective heat management.

Commercial Applications: - This technology can be valuable in the consumer electronics industry for the development of high-quality imaging devices with improved heat dissipation capabilities.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the heat isolation unit contribute to the overall efficiency of heat dissipation in the imaging device? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in mass-produced imaging devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

an imaging device includes: a casing; an image sensor circuit board housed in the casing and configured such that an image sensor is mounted; a lens unit provided on a light reception surface side of the image sensor and connected to the image sensor circuit board so that the image sensor is housed; an image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit provided on an opposite side to the light reception surface side of the image sensor circuit board and exposed to outside of the casing; an image sensor heat transmission member configured to transmit heat from the image sensor circuit board to the image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit; a main circuit board housed in the casing and configured such that an electronic component is mounted; a main circuit board heat transmission member configured to transmit heat from the main circuit board to a main circuit board heat dissipation unit exposed to the outside of the casing; and a heat isolation unit disposed between the image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit and the main circuit board heat dissipation unit to restrain heat transmission between the image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit and the main circuit board heat dissipation unit. the heat isolation unit is formed of a material with lower heat conductivity than materials of the image sensor circuit board heat dissipation unit and the main circuit board heat dissipation unit.