Canon kabushiki kaisha (20240234474). APPARATUS AND CONTROL METHOD FOR APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

canon kabushiki kaisha


MASAO Ina of Kanagawa (JP)

MASATO Ofuji of Gunma (JP)

TAKAMASA Ishii of Saitama (JP)

APPARATUS AND CONTROL METHOD FOR APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240234474 titled 'APPARATUS AND CONTROL METHOD FOR APPARATUS

The patent application describes an apparatus with two pixels, where the second pixel corrects the output of the first pixel by adjusting capacitances related to signal lines.

  • The apparatus includes a first pixel with a conversion element and a thin-film transistor connected to a signal line.
  • The second pixel corrects the output of the first pixel by adjusting capacitances related to another signal line.
  • The ratios between the capacitances of the signal lines are approximately equivalent, ensuring accurate correction.
  • This innovation improves image quality by correcting errors in the output of the first pixel.
  • The technology can be applied in display devices, cameras, and other imaging systems.

Potential Applications: - Display devices - Cameras - Medical imaging equipment

Problems Solved: - Correcting errors in pixel outputs - Improving image quality - Ensuring accurate image reproduction

Benefits: - Enhanced image quality - Improved accuracy in pixel output correction - Potential for better performance in imaging systems

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Image Correction Technology for Display Devices" This technology can be used in the development of high-quality display devices, cameras, and medical imaging equipment, enhancing their performance and accuracy in image reproduction.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the second pixel correct the output of the first pixel? - The second pixel adjusts capacitances related to the signal lines to correct errors in the output of the first pixel. 2. What are the potential applications of this technology? - This technology can be applied in display devices, cameras, and medical imaging equipment to improve image quality and accuracy.

Original Abstract Submitted

an apparatus includes: a first pixel for acquiring an image, the first pixel including a first conversion element and a first thin-film transistor and connected to a first signal line; and a second pixel for correcting an output of the first pixel, the second pixel including an element and a second thin-film transistor and connected to a second signal line, in which a ratio between a plurality of capacitances related to the first signal line and a ratio between a plurality of capacitances related to the second signal line are approximately equivalent.