Boe technology group co., ltd. (20240251601). ARRAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

boe technology group co., ltd.


Yingtao Wang of Beijing (CN)

ARRAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240251601 titled 'ARRAY SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes an array substrate with a pixel definition layer that includes an undercut structure, consisting of two insulating layers where the first layer is undercut relative to the second layer.

  • The array substrate includes a pixel definition layer with a plurality of subpixel regions.
  • The pixel definition layer features an undercut structure with two insulating layers.
  • The first insulating layer is positioned on the base substrate, while the second insulating layer is on the side of the first layer away from the base substrate.
  • The first insulating layer is undercut in relation to the second insulating layer.

Potential Applications: 1. Display technology for high-resolution screens. 2. Semiconductor manufacturing for improved pixel definition. 3. Touchscreen panels for enhanced sensitivity.

Problems Solved: 1. Enhanced pixel definition and clarity. 2. Improved manufacturing processes for array substrates. 3. Increased sensitivity and performance in touchscreen devices.

Benefits: 1. Higher resolution displays. 2. Improved manufacturing efficiency. 3. Enhanced touchscreen performance.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in the production of high-quality displays for smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices, as well as in the manufacturing of semiconductor components for various industries.

Questions about Array Substrate Technology: 1. How does the undercut structure in the pixel definition layer improve display quality? 2. What are the potential cost implications of implementing this technology in manufacturing processes?

Frequently Updated Research: Ongoing research in the field of array substrates focuses on optimizing the performance and efficiency of display technologies, as well as exploring new applications for semiconductor manufacturing.

Original Abstract Submitted

an array substrate is provided. the array substrate includes a pixel definition layer defining a plurality of subpixel regions. the pixel definition layer includes an undercut structure. the undercut structure includes a first insulating layer on a base substrate; and a second insulating layer on a side of the first insulating layer away from the base substrate. the first insulating layer is undercut relative to the second insulating layer.