Boe technology group co., ltd. (20240237510). ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE STRUCTURE AND DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

boe technology group co., ltd.


Rongrong Gao of Beijing (CN)

Lei Chen of Beijing (CN)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240237510 titled 'ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE STRUCTURE AND DISPLAY DEVICE

The present disclosure introduces an organic light-emitting diode structure and a display device. In this structure, the light-emitting layer, hole blocking layer, and electron blocking layer must meet specific conditions related to energy levels.

  • The lowest triplet energy of the hole blocking layer material must be higher than that of the host material.
  • The lowest triplet energy of the electron blocking layer material must be higher than that of the host material.
  • The lowest triplet energy of the guest material (dopant) must be higher than that of the host material.
  • The lowest singlet energy of the host material must be higher than that of the guest material.

This configuration ensures efficient light emission in the organic light-emitting diode structure.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**

- Specific energy level requirements for the layers in the organic light-emitting diode structure. - Optimization of energy levels to enhance light emission efficiency.

    • Potential Applications:**

- Display devices - Lighting applications - Consumer electronics

    • Problems Solved:**

- Inefficient light emission in organic light-emitting diode structures. - Poor color accuracy in displays.

    • Benefits:**

- Improved energy efficiency. - Enhanced color accuracy. - Better overall performance in display devices.

    • Commercial Applications:**

Title: Enhanced Organic Light-Emitting Diode Structures for Displays This technology can be utilized in the manufacturing of high-quality display devices for various commercial applications, including smartphones, televisions, and monitors. The improved energy efficiency and color accuracy can lead to better consumer satisfaction and market competitiveness.

    • Questions about Organic Light-Emitting Diode Structures:**

1. How do the energy level requirements impact the overall performance of the display device?

  - The specific energy level requirements ensure efficient light emission and color accuracy in the organic light-emitting diode structure, leading to improved display performance.

2. What are the potential challenges in implementing these energy level requirements in commercial display devices?

  - Implementing these energy level requirements in commercial display devices may require advanced manufacturing processes and materials to meet the specific conditions for optimal performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

the present disclosure provides an organic light-emitting diode structure and a display device. in the organic light-emitting diode structure, the light-emitting layer, the hole blocking layer and the electron blocking layer satisfy the following conditions: t1 (hbl)>t1 (host); t1 (ebl)>t1 (host); t1 (dopant)>t1 (host); s1 (host)>s1 (dopant); wherein t1 (hbl) is the lowest triplet energy of the hole blocking layer material, t1 (host) is the lowest triplet energy of the host material, t1 (ebl) is the lowest triplet energy of the electron blocking layer material, t1 (dopant) is the lowest triplet energy of the guest material, s1 (host) is the lowest singlet energy of the host material, and s1 (dopant) is the lowest singlet energy of the guest material.