Boe technology group co., ltd. (20240231116). OPTICAL SYSTEM AND VIRTUAL REALITY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

boe technology group co., ltd.


Jiarong Bai of Beijing (CN)

Ruijun Dong of Beijing (CN)

Yulong Wu of Beijing (CN)

Chenru Wang of Beijing (CN)

Ke Li of Beijing (CN)

Na Han of Beijing (CN)

Haitao Huang of Beijing (CN)

Zhanshan Ma of Beijing (CN)

Lili Chen of Beijing (CN)

OPTICAL SYSTEM AND VIRTUAL REALITY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240231116 titled 'OPTICAL SYSTEM AND VIRTUAL REALITY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation:

The optical system described in the patent application consists of three lenses arranged in sequence from the image side to the object side, with their principal optical axes collinear. The first lens is convex, while the second and third lenses are meniscus lenses.

  • The optical system includes three lenses arranged in a specific order.
  • The principal optical axes of the lenses are aligned.
  • The first lens is convex, and at least one of the other lenses is a meniscus lens.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Sequential arrangement of three lenses with collinear principal optical axes.
  • Combination of convex and meniscus lenses for improved optical performance.

Potential Applications:

This optical system could be used in various imaging devices such as cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.

Problems Solved:

The design of this optical system addresses issues related to aberrations, distortions, and overall optical performance in imaging systems.


  • Enhanced image quality and clarity.
  • Improved optical performance.
  • Reduction of aberrations and distortions.

Commercial Applications:

Potential commercial applications include the manufacturing of high-quality cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and other optical devices for consumer and industrial use.

Questions about Optical Systems:

1. How does the alignment of principal optical axes affect the performance of the optical system? 2. What are the advantages of using a combination of convex and meniscus lenses in optical design?

Original Abstract Submitted

an optical system, includes a first lens, a second lens and a third lens that are sequentially arranged from an image side to an object side, and principal optical axes of the first lens, the second lens and the third lens being collinear. the first lens is a convex lens, and at least one of the second lens and the third lens is a meniscus lens.