Boe technology group co., ltd. (20240188350). LIGHT-EMITTING SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

boe technology group co., ltd.


Ying Han of Beijing (CN)

Yicheng Lin of Beijing (CN)

Guang Yan of Beijing (CN)

Pan Xu of Beijing (CN)

Mingi Chu of Beijing (CN)

Dongfang Yang of Beijing (CN)

LIGHT-EMITTING SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240188350 titled 'LIGHT-EMITTING SUBSTRATE AND DISPLAY APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The light-emitting substrate described in the abstract includes a base substrate, an auxiliary electrode line, at least one light-emitting device, and at least one light-detecting device(s). The auxiliary electrode line is located on the base substrate, while the light-emitting device is positioned above the base substrate and consists of a first electrode, a light-emitting functional layer, and a second electrode stacked in a direction away from the base substrate. The light-detecting device is also placed above the base substrate and comprises a third electrode and a fourth electrode, with the auxiliary electrode line connected to the fourth electrode and the second electrode.

  • Base substrate with auxiliary electrode line
  • Light-emitting device with first electrode, light-emitting functional layer, and second electrode
  • Light-detecting device with third electrode and fourth electrode
  • Connection of auxiliary electrode line to fourth electrode and second electrode

Potential Applications

The technology described in the patent application could be utilized in various fields such as display technology, sensor systems, and optoelectronic devices.

Problems Solved

This innovation addresses the need for efficient light-emitting and light-detecting devices that can be integrated into a single substrate, reducing the complexity and cost of manufacturing such devices.


The benefits of this technology include improved performance, compact design, and cost-effectiveness in producing light-emitting and light-detecting devices on a single substrate.

Potential Commercial Applications

  • "Integrated Light-Emitting and Light-Detecting Substrate Technology for Optoelectronic Devices"

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to integrated light-emitting and light-detecting devices, but specific examples are not provided in the abstract.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing separate light-emitting and light-detecting devices in terms of performance and cost?

The article does not provide a direct comparison between this integrated technology and existing separate devices. Further research or testing may be needed to determine the advantages of this innovation over traditional methods.

What are the potential challenges in scaling up the production of these integrated light-emitting and light-detecting substrates for commercial applications?

The abstract does not address the scalability of manufacturing these substrates for mass production. Understanding the challenges and limitations in scaling up production could be crucial for successful commercialization of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

a light-emitting substrate includes a base substrate, an auxiliary electrode line, at least one light-emitting device, and at least one light-detecting device(s). the auxiliary electrode line is disposed on the base substrate. the at least one light-emitting device is disposed above the base substrate, and a light-emitting device includes a first electrode, a light-emitting functional layer and a second electrode that are sequentially stacked in a direction moving away from the base substrate. the at least one light-detecting device is disposed above the base substrate, and a light-detecting device includes a third electrode and a fourth electrode. the auxiliary electrode line is coupled to the fourth electrode and the second electrode.