Biotechnology patent applications on June 13th, 2024
Patent Applications for Biotechnology on June 13th, 2024
Number of patent applications containing 'Biotechnology' or its variations: 2
Inventor(s): Ran Zhuang of Xi'an, Shaanxi (CN) for AIR FORCE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, Yuan Zhang of Xi'an, Shaanxi (CN) for AIR FORCE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, Yong Ding of Xi'an, Shaanxi (CN) for AIR FORCE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, Yitian Liu of Xi'an, Shaanxi (CN) for AIR FORCE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY
IPC Code(s): A61K38/08, A61K31/343, A61K31/7034, A61K31/7048, A61K38/04, A61P35/04
CPC Code(s): A61K38/085
INBIOSE N.V. (20240191270). FERMENTATIVE PRODUCTION simplified abstract
Organization: INBIOSE N.V.
Inventor(s): Joeri Beauprez of Zwijnaarde (BE) for INBIOSE N.V., Pieter Coussement of Zwijnaarde (BE) for INBIOSE N.V., Thomas Decoene of Zwijnaarde (BE) for INBIOSE N.V.
IPC Code(s): C12P19/12, C12N9/00, C12N9/04, C12N9/10, C12N9/12, C12N9/88, C12N9/90, C12N15/52, C12P19/26
CPC Code(s): C12P19/12