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Organization Name



Ali Sajjad of London (GB)

Mamun Abu-tair of London (GB)

Syed Muhammad Unsub Zia of London (GB)

SELECTIVE DATA SHARING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240235832 titled 'SELECTIVE DATA SHARING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method and system for securely sharing data between a provider and selected recipients. This system involves a key exchange facility and encryption process to ensure data is only accessible to authorized parties.

  • Symmetric key exchange facility for deriving encryption keys with selected recipients
  • Data encryption key used to encrypt data by the provider
  • Wrapped data encryption key shared with each recipient for decryption

Key Features and Innovation

  • Securely share data between a provider and selected recipients
  • Efficient key management through symmetric key exchange
  • Encryption process ensures data privacy and security

Potential Applications

  • Selective sharing of Internet of Things data
  • Secure data sharing between consumers and enterprises

Problems Solved

  • Robust key management in data sharing systems
  • Ensuring data privacy and security in selective sharing scenarios


  • Enhanced data security and privacy
  • Efficient and effective data sharing process
  • Simplified key management for secure data exchange

Commercial Applications

Secure data sharing platforms for IoT devices Data sharing solutions for businesses and consumers in various industries

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to data encryption, key management, and secure data sharing technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in data encryption, key management, and secure data sharing technologies.

Questions about Data Sharing Technology

How does the key exchange facility enhance data security in the system?

The key exchange facility allows the provider to securely derive encryption keys with selected recipients, ensuring data remains accessible only to authorized parties.

What are the potential applications of this data sharing technology beyond IoT data sharing?

This technology can be applied to various industries for secure data sharing between consumers and businesses, ensuring data privacy and security.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method and distributed system for exclusively sharing data between a data provider and one or more selected data recipients is disclosed. known systems for exclusively sharing data with one or more selected data recipients involve the encryption of the data at a central storage service and limiting use of one or more centrally stored decryption keys to decrypt the data in accordance with an access control list maintained by the remote storage service provider. ensuring robustness of key management in such systems requires the expenditure of a great deal of resource. this problem is addressed by a combination of two co-operating facilities in the disclosed distributed data sharing system. firstly, a symmetric key exchange facility is provided which enables each data provider to exclusively derive dedicated key encryption keys with respective selected data clients. secondly, a device controlled by the data provider is arranged to encrypt the data using a data encryption key and. for each selected data recipient, publish or share a wrapped data encryption key (the data encryption key encrypted with the key encryption key dedicated to the selected recipient). each selected data recipient is then able to unwrap the wrapped data encryption key using its dedicated key encryption key to decrypt the data. the method and distributed system has particular utility in the selective sharing of internet of things data between consumers and enterprises.