Atlas Power Technologies Inc. (20240248638). Tri-state electrical information storage simplified abstract

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Tri-state electrical information storage

Organization Name

Atlas Power Technologies Inc.


Mitchell Miller of Mission (CA)

Tri-state electrical information storage - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240248638 titled 'Tri-state electrical information storage

The abstract describes a system and method for bidirectionally based electrical information storage, processing, and communication using bidirectional memory (tristate) that can store and interpret multiple bits of information per memory cell.

  • Bidirectional memory allows for the storage of multiple bits per cell, unlike traditional memory that can only store a single bit.
  • Tristate bidirectional memory cells can have three states, including a specifically defined state capable of representing multiple bits.
  • The third information state of a tristate bidirectional memory cell can be in a state of constant variability, allowing for probabilistic outcomes.
  • This system enables more complex systems for information storage, compression, processing, communication, and secure encryption.

Potential Applications: - Advanced data storage systems - Efficient data processing algorithms - Secure communication circuits

Problems Solved: - Increased storage capacity per memory cell - Enhanced data processing capabilities - Improved data security through encryption

Benefits: - Higher information density - Faster data processing speeds - Enhanced data security measures

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Bidirectional Memory Technology for Enhanced Data Processing This technology can be applied in industries such as data storage, telecommunications, and cybersecurity to improve efficiency and security measures.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore prior patents related to bidirectional memory technology, tristate memory cells, and advanced data processing methods to understand the existing landscape in this field.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly exploring new ways to enhance bidirectional memory technology, improve data processing algorithms, and strengthen data security measures.

Questions about Bidirectional Memory Technology: 1. How does bidirectional memory technology differ from traditional memory systems? Bidirectional memory technology allows for the storage of multiple bits per cell, offering higher information density compared to traditional memory systems that can only store a single bit per cell.

2. What are the potential implications of using tristate bidirectional memory cells in data storage and processing applications? Tristate bidirectional memory cells can significantly increase storage capacity and data processing speeds, leading to more efficient and secure systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

a system and method for bidirectionally based electrical information storage, processing and communication. bidirectional memory (tristate) offers the capability to store and interpret multiple bits (shannon's) of information per memory cell, for structures such as dynamic random-access memory (dram), and read-only memory (rom), and communication circuits, for operation, rather than traditional memory able to store a single “bit” (shannon) of information per cell. where, instead of traditional memory cells capable of two possible states (binary digit) and a single defined bit (1 shannon), bidirectional memory is capable of three states (tristate), where the third information representing state can be a specifically defined state capable of representing multiple bits (multiple shannon's) for each individual cell, which may be defined to represent a specific sequence of bits (sequence of shannon's). additionally, the 3rd information state of a tristate bidirectional memory cell may be expressed as in a state of constant variability (superposition), where the final determined state may be based on a probabilistic outcome, or probability controlled. the disclosed system and method allows for more complex systems for information storage, compression, processing, communication, and more secure encryption of stored or communicated information.