Apple inc. (20240361895). USER INTERFACE FOR DISPLAYING AND MANAGING WIDGETS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

apple inc.


Edward Chao of Palo Alto CA (US)

Gary I. Butcher of Los Gatos CA (US)

Yeobeen Chung of San Francisco CA (US)

USER INTERFACE FOR DISPLAYING AND MANAGING WIDGETS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240361895 titled 'USER INTERFACE FOR DISPLAYING AND MANAGING WIDGETS

The abstract of the patent application discusses the display, management, and navigation of widgets in user interfaces.

  • Simplified Explanation: The patent application focuses on how widgets are displayed, managed, and navigated in user interfaces.
  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Innovative methods for displaying widgets on user interfaces. - Efficient techniques for managing widgets within the interface. - Intuitive ways to navigate through different widgets on the screen.

  • Potential Applications:

- Mobile applications - Web development - Software interfaces

  • Problems Solved:

- Streamlining widget display and management. - Enhancing user experience with intuitive navigation. - Improving overall interface functionality.

  • Benefits:

- Enhanced user interface experience. - Increased efficiency in managing widgets. - Improved overall usability of software applications.

  • Commercial Applications:

- This technology can be applied to various industries such as mobile app development, web design, and software development, enhancing user experience and interface functionality.

  • Questions about Widgets:

1. How do widgets enhance user experience in software applications? - Widgets provide quick access to information and functionality, improving user interaction with the interface.

2. What are some common challenges in managing widgets on user interfaces? - Some challenges include cluttered screens, inconsistent widget behavior, and difficulty in organizing multiple widgets effectively.

Original Abstract Submitted

the present disclosure generally relates to displaying widgets, managing widgets, and navigating user interfaces.