Apple inc. (20240312468). Spatial Audio Upscaling Using Machine Learning simplified abstract

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Spatial Audio Upscaling Using Machine Learning

Organization Name

apple inc.


Ismael H. Nawfal of Redondo Beach CA (US)

Symeon Delikaris Manias of Los Angeles CA (US)

Mehrez Souden of Los Angeles CA (US)

Joshua D. Atkins of Lexington MA (US)

Spatial Audio Upscaling Using Machine Learning - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240312468 titled 'Spatial Audio Upscaling Using Machine Learning

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a method to convert first order ambisonics (FOA) audio into a higher order ambisonics (HOA) format using machine learning.

  • **Key Features and Innovation:**
   * Processor formats FOA audio signals into audio frames.
   * Machine learning model reformat the audio into desired HOA format.
   * Output audio in HOA format can be rendered in a playback format of choice.
  • **Potential Applications:**
   * Virtual reality audio experiences.
   * Immersive audio for gaming.
   * Audio production and post-production.
  • **Problems Solved:**
   * Simplifies the conversion process from FOA to HOA.
   * Enhances the quality and realism of sound scenes.
  • **Benefits:**
   * Improved audio quality.
   * Enhanced immersive experiences.
   * Streamlined audio production workflows.
  • **Commercial Applications:**
   * Virtual reality content creation.
   * Gaming audio development.
   * Audio software tools for professionals.
  • **Prior Art:**
   Research existing patents related to ambisonics audio processing and machine learning in audio production.
  • **Frequently Updated Research:**
   Stay informed about advancements in ambisonics audio technology and machine learning applications in audio processing.

Questions about Ambisonics Audio Processing: 1. What are the potential limitations of using machine learning for audio format conversion?

   - Machine learning models may require extensive training data and computational resources to achieve accurate results.

2. How does the reformatting of audio signals impact the overall sound quality in different playback formats?

   - The reformatting process may introduce artifacts or distortions that affect the perceived audio quality.

Original Abstract Submitted

a sound scene is represented as first order ambisonics (foa) audio. a processor formats each signal of the foa audio to a stream of audio frames, provides the formatted foa audio to a machine learning model that reformats the formatted foa audio in a target or desired higher order ambisonics (hoa) format, and obtains output audio of the sound scene in the desired hoa format from the machine learning model. the output audio in the desired hoa format may then be rendered according to a playback audio format of choice. other aspects are also described and claimed.