Apple inc. (20240310908). Eye Tracking Calibration simplified abstract

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Eye Tracking Calibration

Organization Name

apple inc.


Walter Nistico of Berlin (DE)

Andrii Nikiforov of Berlin (DE)

Borys Lysyansky of Berlin (DE)

Eye Tracking Calibration - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240310908 titled 'Eye Tracking Calibration

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for calibrating an eye tracking device by displaying a moving stimulus object and capturing images of the user's eye.

  • The method involves displaying a stimulus object within a display area.
  • The stimulus object moves along a defined trajectory.
  • Images of the user's eye are captured during the display of the stimulus object.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Calibration procedure for eye tracking devices.
  • Moving stimulus object displayed for calibration.
  • Images of the user's eye captured during calibration.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in:

  • Eye tracking research.
  • Human-computer interaction studies.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality applications.

Problems Solved

  • Ensures accurate calibration of eye tracking devices.
  • Improves the performance of eye tracking systems.
  • Enhances the user experience in interactive applications.


  • Precise calibration results.
  • Improved accuracy in eye tracking.
  • Enhanced usability of eye tracking devices.

Commercial Applications

  • Market this technology to research institutions.
  • Offer calibration services for eye tracking systems.
  • Integrate this method into virtual reality and gaming applications.

Questions about Eye Tracking Calibration

How does this method improve the accuracy of eye tracking devices?

This method ensures precise calibration by capturing images of the user's eye while a moving stimulus object is displayed, leading to more accurate tracking results.

What are the potential research applications of this technology?

This technology can be used in various research fields such as psychology, human-computer interaction, and virtual reality studies to enhance data collection and analysis processes.

Original Abstract Submitted

the invention is concerned with a method for performing a calibration procedure for calibrating an eye tracking device, wherein a stimulus object is displayed within a certain display area, such that the stimulus object is at least temporarily moving along a defined trajectory and images of at least one eye of at least one user are captured during the displaying of the stimulus object.