Apple inc. (20240305246). Switching Amplifier Circuits with Supply Tracking simplified abstract

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Switching Amplifier Circuits with Supply Tracking

Organization Name

apple inc.


Eddie L. Ng of San Jose CA (US)

Adriane S. Niehaus of Wilton NH (US)

Ali Motamed of San Francisco CA (US)

Switching Amplifier Circuits with Supply Tracking - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240305246 titled 'Switching Amplifier Circuits with Supply Tracking

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a switching-amplifier circuit for computer systems that generates an amplified version of a received input signal by adjusting driver power supply and ground supply voltage levels based on the magnitude of the buffered signal.

  • The switching-amplifier circuit generates a buffered version of a received input signal.
  • Power supply circuits adjust driver power supply and ground supply voltage levels based on the magnitude of the buffered signal.
  • An output stage generates an amplified version of the input signal with pulses transitioning between voltage ranges of the driver power supply and ground supply.
  • The widths or frequencies of the pulses encode the magnitude of the amplified input signal.

Potential Applications: 1. Computer systems 2. Audio amplification systems 3. Signal processing applications

Problems Solved: 1. Efficient amplification of input signals 2. Precise adjustment of power supply voltage levels 3. Encoding signal magnitude in pulse widths or frequencies

Benefits: 1. Improved signal amplification accuracy 2. Enhanced performance of computer systems 3. Energy-efficient operation

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in audio amplifiers, signal processing equipment, and various computer systems to enhance signal amplification and processing capabilities.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to switching-amplifier circuits, power supply voltage adjustment in amplifiers, and signal encoding techniques in electronic circuits.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest advancements in switching-amplifier circuits, power supply optimization, and signal processing technologies.

Questions about Switching-Amplifier Circuits: 1. How does the switching-amplifier circuit improve signal amplification efficiency? 2. What are the potential applications of this technology in the audio industry?

By providing a detailed answer to these questions, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the innovative aspects and practical implications of switching-amplifier circuits in various electronic systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

a switching-amplifier circuit for computer systems generates a buffered version of a received input signal. power supply circuits coupled to the switching-amplifier circuit adjust driver power supply and driver ground supply voltage levels over respective continuous ranges of voltages based on a magnitude of the buffered signal. an output stage included in the switching-amplifier circuit generates an amplified version of the received input signal that includes a series of pulses that transition between the respective voltage ranges of the driver power supply and driver ground supply, where the respective widths or frequencies of the series of pulses encode a magnitude of the amplified version of the received input signal.