Apple inc. (20240296435). GROUP PEER-TO-PEER FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

apple inc.


Gloria Lin of San Francisco CA (US)

Amir Mahmood Mikhak of Cambridge MA (US)

Taido Lantz Nakajima of San Jose CA (US)

Sean Anthony Mayo of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Michael Rosenblatt of Boulder CO (US)

GROUP PEER-TO-PEER FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240296435 titled 'GROUP PEER-TO-PEER FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS

  • Simplified Explanation: This patent application describes user interfaces for displaying transfer requests, detecting user input to initiate transfers, and receiving authentication information for authorizing transfers.
  • Key Features and Innovation:

- User interfaces designed for displaying transfer requests - Detection of user input to initiate transfers - Authentication information reception for authorizing transfers

  • Potential Applications:

- Secure online transactions - Mobile payment applications - Peer-to-peer money transfers

  • Problems Solved:

- Ensuring secure transfer authorization - Streamlining the transfer process for users - Enhancing user experience in financial transactions

  • Benefits:

- Improved security for transfers - Simplified transfer initiation process - Enhanced user control over transactions

  • Commercial Applications:

- This technology can be utilized in banking apps, e-commerce platforms, and digital wallet services to enhance security and user experience in financial transactions.

  • Questions about User Interface for Transfer Requests:

1. How does this technology improve the security of transfer requests? - This technology enhances security by requiring authentication information to authorize transfers, reducing the risk of unauthorized transactions.

2. What are the potential commercial uses of this innovation? - This technology can be applied in various industries such as banking, e-commerce, and peer-to-peer payment services to streamline transfer processes and enhance user security.

Original Abstract Submitted

in accordance with some embodiments, user interfaces for displaying a transfer request, detecting user input directed to initiating a transfer corresponding to the request, and receiving authentication information to authorize the transfer corresponding to the request are described.