Apple inc. (20240280767). Etched Coupling Structures for Bonded Photonic Dies simplified abstract

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Etched Coupling Structures for Bonded Photonic Dies

Organization Name

apple inc.


Jeremy D. Witmer of San Jose CA (US)

Jeffrey T. Hill of Los Altos CA (US)

Yipin Wu of Cupertino CA (US)

Zhechao Wang of San Jose CA (US)

Etched Coupling Structures for Bonded Photonic Dies - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240280767 titled 'Etched Coupling Structures for Bonded Photonic Dies

The abstract describes an integrated photonic system that aligns multiple photonic dies using contact between pairs of vertical surfaces. The vertical surfaces are manufactured by defining their shape through processes like photolithography, allowing for optical and mechanical intercoupling of the photonic dies.

  • Photonic system integrates multiple dies
  • Alignment achieved through contact between vertical surfaces
  • Vertical surfaces defined via photolithography
  • Optically and mechanically intercouple the photonic dies
  • Enhances alignment and performance of the system

Potential Applications: - Telecommunications - Data centers - Optical computing

Problems Solved: - Precision alignment of photonic dies - Optimal optical and mechanical intercoupling

Benefits: - Improved system performance - Enhanced reliability - Simplified manufacturing process

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Integrated Photonic Systems for Enhanced Performance" This technology can be utilized in telecommunications, data centers, and optical computing industries to improve system performance and reliability. The market implications include increased efficiency and reduced maintenance costs.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the alignment of photonic dies impact system performance?

  - The alignment ensures optimal optical and mechanical intercoupling, leading to improved overall performance.

2. What are the potential drawbacks of using contact between vertical surfaces for alignment?

  - The main drawback could be the need for precise manufacturing processes to ensure accurate alignment.

Original Abstract Submitted

an integrated photonic system including multiple photonic dies that are laterally aligned using contact between pairs of vertical surfaces. the vertical surfaces can be manufactured by defining, via photolithography processes for example, the shape of the vertical surfaces. thereafter, the vertical surfaces can be aligned and engaged, thereby optically and mechanically intercoupling the multiple photonic dies.