Apple inc. (20240248509). Wireless Circuitry with Time Aligned Data Streams simplified abstract

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Wireless Circuitry with Time Aligned Data Streams

Organization Name

apple inc.


Stephan Henzler of Munich (DE)

Alexander Klinkan of Linz (AT)

Wireless Circuitry with Time Aligned Data Streams - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240248509 titled 'Wireless Circuitry with Time Aligned Data Streams

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a radio-frequency amplifier that uses digital-to-analog converters to generate radio-frequency and control signals. The signals are processed through retiming circuits and crossbar circuits to ensure proper alignment before being sent to the amplifier.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Utilizes digital-to-analog converters for generating radio-frequency and control signals
  • Incorporates retiming circuits and crossbar circuits for data processing
  • Employs a low skew clocking interface for data alignment
  • Ensures constant latency control and clock domain cross circuits for accurate signal transmission

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in various radio-frequency applications such as telecommunications, radar systems, and wireless communication devices.

Problems Solved

The technology addresses the challenge of aligning data streams intended for different sets of digital-to-analog converters in a radio-frequency amplifier.


  • Improved accuracy and alignment of data streams
  • Enhanced performance of radio-frequency amplifiers
  • Increased efficiency in signal processing

Commercial Applications

  • Telecommunications industry for signal amplification
  • Radar systems for accurate data transmission
  • Wireless communication devices for improved signal quality

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted on similar patents related to radio-frequency amplifiers and signal processing technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in radio-frequency amplifier technology and signal processing techniques for potential improvements in the field.

Questions about Radio-Frequency Amplifiers

What are the key components of a radio-frequency amplifier?

A radio-frequency amplifier typically consists of input and output ports, amplification circuits, and control interfaces to manage signal processing.

How does data alignment impact the performance of a radio-frequency amplifier?

Proper data alignment ensures accurate signal transmission and prevents delays or distortions in the output signal.

Original Abstract Submitted

a radio-frequency amplifier can have a radio-frequency input configured to receive a radio-frequency signal and a control input for receiving a control signal. the radio-frequency signal can be generated using a first group of digital-to-analog converters (dacs), whereas the control signal can be generated using a second set of dacs. data intended for the first group of dacs can be fed through a first set of retiming circuits and a first crossbar circuit. data intended for the second group of dacs can be fed through a second set of retiming circuits and a second crossbar circuit. a low skew clocking interface and constant latency control and clock domain cross circuits can be employed to ensure that data streams arriving at the first group of dacs are time aligned with data streams arriving at the second group of dacs.