Apple inc. (20240230318). FIT DETECTION SYSTEM FOR HEAD-MOUNTABLE DEVICES simplified abstract

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Organization Name

apple inc.


PAUL X. Wang of Cupertino CA (US)

Scott M. Leinweber of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Adam Y. Kollgaard of Santa Clara CA (US)

Jeremy C. Franklin of San Francisco CA (US)

FIT DETECTION SYSTEM FOR HEAD-MOUNTABLE DEVICES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240230318 titled 'FIT DETECTION SYSTEM FOR HEAD-MOUNTABLE DEVICES

Simplified Explanation: This patent application describes a device that helps users select components for a head-mountable device to ensure the best fit. By offering modular features, specific modules can be customized without the need to custom fit the entire device for each user.

  • The device is worn by the user to detect their features and guide them in selecting the optimal components for a head-mountable device.
  • Modular components such as face seals and head engagers can be chosen to provide a custom fit.
  • An electronic device assists the user in selecting the best components for the head-mountable device.

Potential Applications: 1. Virtual reality headsets 2. Augmented reality glasses 3. Industrial head-mounted displays

Problems Solved: 1. Ensuring a comfortable and secure fit for head-mounted devices 2. Simplifying the customization process for users 3. Improving user experience with head-mounted technology

Benefits: 1. Enhanced comfort and usability 2. Cost-effective customization 3. Streamlined selection process for users

Commercial Applications: The technology can be used in the development of consumer and industrial head-mounted devices, improving user experience and market competitiveness.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include patents or research on modular components for wearable devices and head-mounted displays.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in modular components for head-mounted devices and user interface design for wearable technology.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does this device detect the user's features accurately? 2. What are the potential cost savings for manufacturers implementing this technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

a fitting device that can be worn by a user to facilitate detection of the user's features and guide the user to selecting components (e.g., modules) of a head-mountable device that will provide the best fit when assembled together. by providing head-mountable devices with modular features, certain modules can provide a custom fit without requiring the entire head-mountable device to be custom fitted to each user. an electronic device can be operated to guide a user to select the optimal components, such as a face seal and/or head engager for use with an hmd module.