Apple inc. (20240223673). PUSH NOTIFICATIONS FOR MULTIPLE USER DEVICES simplified abstract

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Organization Name

apple inc.


Christopher M. Bell of San Jose CA (US)

Christoph Paasch of Cupertino CA (US)

PUSH NOTIFICATIONS FOR MULTIPLE USER DEVICES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240223673 titled 'PUSH NOTIFICATIONS FOR MULTIPLE USER DEVICES

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a server network that efficiently routes notification messages to user devices, even in low power mode, based on registration identifiers.

  • Accepts asynchronous notification messages from multiple application servers
  • Routes notification messages to user devices in the form of notification taps
  • Maintains states for user devices using identifiers for routing
  • Proximate network server registers identifiers for routing
  • Determines routing based on registration and sends notification taps to user devices
  • User devices can obtain notification content from source applications
  • User devices can delegate receiving notification taps to delegate devices

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as mobile communication, IoT devices, and smart home systems.

Problems Solved

- Efficient routing of notification messages to user devices - Operation in low power mode - Delegation of receiving notification taps to delegate devices


- Improved efficiency in delivering notifications - Enhanced user experience with notification delegation - Reduced power consumption for user devices

Commercial Applications

Title: Efficient Notification Routing Technology for IoT Devices This technology can be commercialized in IoT devices, mobile apps, and smart home systems to enhance notification delivery and user experience.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of notification routing technologies for user devices to explore existing solutions and advancements.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in notification routing technologies for user devices to ensure the implementation of the latest innovations.

Questions about Notification Routing Technology

How does this technology improve notification delivery efficiency?

This technology improves notification delivery efficiency by maintaining states for user devices and efficiently routing notification messages based on registration identifiers.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond user devices?

This technology can be applied in various industries such as IoT devices, mobile communication, and smart home systems to enhance notification delivery and user experience.

Original Abstract Submitted

a server network accepts asynchronous notification messages from multiple application servers and efficiently routes notification messages in the form of notification taps to a user device, which can operate in a low power mode. the user device may or may not be a cellular device. the server network maintains states for the user devices in terms of identifiers useful for routing. a network server proximate to the user device registers the identifiers useful for routing the notifications. when the server network receives a notification from a source application, the proximate network server determines a routing based on the registration and sends a notification tap to the user device. the user device can obtain notification content sourced by the source application. the user device can delegate the role of receiving notification taps to a delegate device, where the delegate device may have wall-power and/or a wired or wireless network connection.