Apple inc. (20240205363). Sliding Window for Image Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Generation simplified abstract

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Sliding Window for Image Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Generation

Organization Name

apple inc.


David R. Pope of Campbell CA (US)

Liran Fishel of Raanana (IL)

Assaf Metuki of Moshav Herut (IL)

Muge Wang of San Jose CA (US)

Sliding Window for Image Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Generation - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240205363 titled 'Sliding Window for Image Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Generation

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system for extracting features from images by identifying keypoints and generating descriptors for those keypoints. It involves a circuit that generates an image pyramid, processes the images for descriptor generation, and stores different portions of the images for efficient processing.

  • The system extracts features from images by identifying keypoints and generating descriptors.
  • It includes a circuit that generates an image pyramid and processes the images for descriptor generation.
  • Different portions of the images are stored in a buffer for efficient processing.
  • The system removes unnecessary portions of the images to make space for new ones as needed.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in various fields such as computer vision, image recognition, object detection, and augmented reality applications.

Problems Solved

The system addresses the challenge of efficiently extracting features from images by storing and processing them in a structured manner.


The technology enables faster and more accurate feature extraction from images, leading to improved performance in various applications.

Commercial Applications

"Efficient Image Feature Extraction System for Computer Vision Applications"

The technology can be utilized in industries such as autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, medical imaging, and robotics for enhanced image processing capabilities.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of image processing, computer vision, and feature extraction techniques to explore existing technologies related to this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are constantly exploring new methods and algorithms for image feature extraction and descriptor generation to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of image processing systems.

Questions about Image Feature Extraction

How does the system handle the storage and processing of different portions of the images for feature extraction?

The system uses a pyramid image buffer to store and provide portions of the images to the descriptor generator circuit as needed, ensuring efficient processing.

What are the potential limitations of the system in handling large-scale image datasets for feature extraction?

The system may face challenges in processing large-scale image datasets due to memory constraints and processing speed, which could impact its performance in such scenarios.

Original Abstract Submitted

embodiments relate to extracting features from images, such as by identifying keypoints and generating keypoint descriptors of the keypoints. an apparatus includes a pyramid image generator circuit, a keypoint descriptor generator circuit, and a pyramid image buffer. the pyramid image generator circuit generates an image pyramid from an input image. the keypoint descriptor generator circuit processes the pyramid images for keypoint descriptor generation. the pyramid image buffer stores different portions of the pyramid images generated by the pyramid image generator circuit at different times and provides the stored portions of the pyramid images to the keypoint descriptor generator circuit for keypoint descriptor generation. when first portions of the pyramid images are no longer needed for the keypoint descriptor generation, the first portions are removed from the pyramid image buffer to provide space for second portions of the pyramid images that are needed for the keypoint descriptor generation.