Apple inc. (20240186685). Electronic Devices With Antennas Having Compound Curvature simplified abstract

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Electronic Devices With Antennas Having Compound Curvature

Organization Name

apple inc.


Yi Jiang of Cupertino CA (US)

Boon W. Shiu of Palo Alto CA (US)

Jason C. Sauers of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Jia-Woei Chen of Campbell CA (US)

Killian J. Poore of San Jose CA (US)

Lijun Zhang of Los Gatos CA (US)

Electronic Devices With Antennas Having Compound Curvature - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240186685 titled 'Electronic Devices With Antennas Having Compound Curvature

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a head-mounted device with left and right displays providing images to eye boxes, a publicly viewable display covered by a transparent housing portion, a dielectric member mounted under the display cover layer, and a flexible printed circuit antenna laminated to the edge portion of the dielectric member.

  • Head-mounted device with left and right displays
  • Publicly viewable display covered by transparent housing portion
  • Dielectric member mounted under display cover layer
  • Flexible printed circuit antenna laminated to edge portion of dielectric member

Potential Applications

The technology described in the patent application could be applied in various fields such as virtual reality, augmented reality, gaming, medical training, and remote assistance.

Problems Solved

The technology solves the problem of providing a compact and lightweight head-mounted device with multiple displays and a publicly viewable display that can be covered when not in use.


The benefits of this technology include improved user experience, enhanced display capabilities, increased comfort for the user, and potential for new applications in different industries.

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be commercially applied in the fields of entertainment, education, healthcare, remote assistance, and training programs.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be existing head-mounted displays with single or multiple displays, but without the specific features described in this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

How does the dielectric member improve the display quality?

The dielectric member may play a role in enhancing the visibility and clarity of the publicly viewable display, but the specific details of this improvement are not provided in the abstract.

What materials are used in the transparent housing portion?

The abstract does not mention the materials used in the transparent housing portion that covers the publicly viewable display.

Original Abstract Submitted

a head-mounted device may have a head-mounted housing that is configured to be worn on a head of a user. while the head-mounted device is being worn, left and right displays in optical modules in the head-mounted device may provide images to eye boxes located rearward of the head-mounted device. a forward-facing publicly viewable display on a front portion of the head-mounted device may be covered with a transparent housing portion forming a display cover layer. a dielectric member having a ring-shaped edge portion surrounding the publicly viewable display may be mounted under a corresponding edge portion of the display cover layer. a flexible printed circuit antenna with compound curvature may be laminated to the edge portion of the dielectric member.