Apple Inc. (20240292175). Audio System and Method of Determining Audio Filter Based on Device Position simplified abstract

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Audio System and Method of Determining Audio Filter Based on Device Position

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Vignesh Ganapathi Subramanian of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Antti J. Vanne of Kuopio (FI)

Olivier Soares of Oakland CA (US)

Andrew R. Harvey of San Jose CA (US)

Martin E. Johnson of Los Gatos CA (US)

Theo Auclair of San Francisco CA (US)

Audio System and Method of Determining Audio Filter Based on Device Position - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240292175 titled 'Audio System and Method of Determining Audio Filter Based on Device Position

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes an audio system that determines an audio filter based on the position of an audio device worn by a user. The system uses images of the device to calculate the relative position between the device's transducer and the user's anatomical features, allowing for customized audio filtering.

  • The audio system determines an audio filter based on the position of the audio device worn by the user.
  • Images of the device are used to calculate the relative position between the device's transducer and the user's anatomical features.
  • The audio filter can be applied to the audio input signal to provide spatialized sound to the user or to a microphone input signal to capture the user's speech.
  • The system enhances the user's audio experience by customizing the audio filter based on the device's position relative to the user.
  • The technology improves the accuracy and effectiveness of audio filtering in personal audio devices.

Potential Applications: 1. Personalized audio experiences in headphones and earbuds. 2. Speech recognition and noise cancellation in wearable audio devices. 3. Virtual reality and augmented reality applications for immersive audio. 4. Assistive listening devices for individuals with hearing impairments. 5. Audio monitoring systems for healthcare and fitness tracking.

Problems Solved: 1. Inaccurate audio filtering in personal audio devices. 2. Limited customization options for audio experiences. 3. Difficulty in capturing clear speech in noisy environments. 4. Lack of adaptability in audio devices based on user's movements. 5. Challenges in providing spatialized sound for immersive experiences.

Benefits: 1. Enhanced audio quality tailored to the user's specific needs. 2. Improved speech recognition and noise cancellation capabilities. 3. Personalized audio experiences for different activities and environments. 4. Greater user comfort and convenience with customized audio filters. 5. Enhanced immersion and realism in virtual and augmented reality applications.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in the development of next-generation headphones, earbuds, and wearable audio devices for various industries, including entertainment, gaming, healthcare, and communication. By offering personalized audio experiences and advanced audio filtering capabilities, companies can attract tech-savvy consumers looking for innovative audio solutions.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the audio system determine the relative position between the device's transducer and the user's anatomical features? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in different types of audio devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

an audio system and a method of determining an audio filter based on a position of an audio device of the audio system, are described. the audio system receives an image of the audio device being worn by a user and determines, based on the image and a known geometric relationship between a datum on the audio device and an electroacoustic transducer of the audio device, a relative position between the electroacoustic transducer and an anatomical feature of the user. the audio filter is determined based on the relative position. the audio filter can be applied to an audio input signal to render spatialized sound to the user through the electroacoustic transducer, or the audio filter can be applied to a microphone input signal to capture speech of the user by the electroacoustic transducer. other aspects are also described and claimed.