Amazon technologies, inc. (20240312454). NOISE CANCELLATION FOR OPEN MICROPHONE MODE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

amazon technologies, inc.


Ty Loren Carlson of Redmond WA (US)

Rohan Mutagi of Redmond WA (US)

NOISE CANCELLATION FOR OPEN MICROPHONE MODE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240312454 titled 'NOISE CANCELLATION FOR OPEN MICROPHONE MODE

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a system with multiple audio-enabled devices that communicate with each other using an open microphone mode. When a user says a trigger word, the nearest device validates it and opens a communication channel with another device. The device continuously analyzes the audio signal to detect when the user stops talking, transitioning from transmission to reception mode.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Multiple audio-enabled devices communicating over open microphone mode
  • Trigger word activation for communication between devices
  • Continuous analysis of audio signal to detect user speech
  • Transition from transmission to reception mode based on user speech patterns

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in smart home devices, conference call systems, and voice-controlled assistants.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for seamless communication between audio-enabled devices and efficient detection of user speech patterns.


  • Improved communication between devices
  • Enhanced user experience with voice-controlled systems
  • Efficient detection of user speech patterns

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include smart home automation systems, conference call equipment, and voice-controlled virtual assistants.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include patents or research on audio signal processing, speech recognition, and communication systems.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers may be exploring advancements in audio signal processing, speech recognition algorithms, and communication protocols for similar technologies.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does this technology improve user experience with audio-enabled devices? 2. What are the potential privacy concerns associated with continuous audio signal analysis in this system?

Original Abstract Submitted

a system has multiple audio-enabled devices that communicate with one another over an open microphone mode of communication. when a user says a trigger word, the nearest device validates the trigger word and opens a communication channel with another device. as the user talks, the device receives the speech and generates an audio signal representation that includes the user speech and may additionally include other background or interfering sound from the environment. the device transmits the audio signal to the other device as part of a conversation, while continually analyzing the audio signal to detect when the user stops talking. this analysis may include watching for a lack of speech in the audio signal for a period of time, or an abrupt change in context of the speech (indicating the speech is from another source), or canceling noise or other interfering sound to isolate whether the user is still speaking. once the device confirms that the user has stopped talking, the device transitions from a transmission mode to a reception mode to await a reply in the conversation.