Amazon technologies, inc. (20240301474). NUCLEASES FOR SIGNAL AMPLIFICATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

amazon technologies, inc.


Carla Alejandra Gimenez of Buenos Aires (AR)

Federico Alberto Pereyra Bonnet of Buenos Aires (AR)

Ailin Svagzdys Abad of Buenos Aires (AR)

NUCLEASES FOR SIGNAL AMPLIFICATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240301474 titled 'NUCLEASES FOR SIGNAL AMPLIFICATION

The patent application describes methods using a CRISPR/Cas complex with collateral activity, nucleases, oligonucleotides, and a fluorescent reporter to amplify a fluorescent signal in the presence of a target nucleic acid in a sample.

  • Utilizes a CRISPR/Cas complex with collateral activity
  • Involves one or more nucleases
  • Requires one or more oligonucleotides
  • Includes a fluorescent reporter
  • Amplifies a fluorescent signal when a target nucleic acid is present in a sample

Potential Applications: - Diagnostic testing - Genetic engineering - Research in molecular biology

Problems Solved: - Enhances sensitivity in detecting target nucleic acids - Improves efficiency in genetic manipulation

Benefits: - Rapid and accurate detection of specific nucleic acids - Facilitates precise genetic modifications

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Nucleic Acid Detection and Manipulation Technology" This technology could be used in medical diagnostics, biotechnology research, and pharmaceutical development, potentially leading to new products and services in these industries.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore existing patents related to CRISPR/Cas technology, nucleic acid detection, and genetic engineering to understand the background of this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about advancements in CRISPR/Cas technology, nucleic acid detection methods, and genetic editing techniques to enhance the application of this technology.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this method compare to traditional nucleic acid detection techniques? 2. What are the limitations of using a fluorescent reporter in this technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

provided herein are methods that utilize a crispr/cas complex having collateral activity, one or more nucleases, one or more oligonucleotides and a fluorescent reporter. the methods disclosed herein can amplify a fluorescent signal when a target nucleic acid is present in a sample.