Amazon Technologies, Inc. patent applications on February 6th, 2025

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Patent Applications by Amazon Technologies, Inc. on February 6th, 2025

Amazon Technologies, Inc.: 1 patent applications

Amazon Technologies, Inc. has applied for patents in the areas of H04L9/32 (1), H04L9/00 (1) H04L9/3263 (1)

With keywords such as: blockchain, certificate, digital, valid, information, secure, help, authority, when, and certificates in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by Amazon Technologies, Inc.

20250047504. HIGH-ASSURANCE PRIVATE CERTIFICATE AUTHORITIES_simplified_abstract_(amazon technologies, inc.)

Inventor(s): Trevor Freeman of Sammamish WA (US) for amazon technologies, inc., Param Sharma of McLean VA (US) for amazon technologies, inc., Todd Cignetti of Ashburn VA (US) for amazon technologies, inc.

IPC Code(s): H04L9/32, H04L9/00

CPC Code(s): H04L9/3263

Abstract: approaches presented herein relate to the management of secure secrets, such as digital certificates. when an operation is performed by a certificate authority (ca) with respect to a digital certificate, information for the operation is written to a blockchain (or other distributed and verifiable ledger) in addition to a secure database accessible to the ca. the ability of an external party to access the blockchain and independently verify information about a digital certificate can help to increase a level or assurance in the integrity of the ca, which can be important when an entity wants to act as (or offer) their own private certificate authority. information in the blockchain can also help to identify “dark” certificates, which may appear valid but were not issued by a ca using a valid and secure process, and thus can be identified by a lack of valid transactions included in the corresponding blockchain.

Amazon Technologies, Inc. patent applications on February 6th, 2025