Adeia Guides Inc. (20240273815). GENERATING SOUVENIRS FROM EXTENDED REALITY SESSIONS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Adeia Guides Inc.


Kamal J. Koshy of Aurora CO (US)

Dhananjay Lal of Englewood CO (US)

GENERATING SOUVENIRS FROM EXTENDED REALITY SESSIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240273815 titled 'GENERATING SOUVENIRS FROM EXTENDED REALITY SESSIONS

    • Simplified Explanation:**

This patent application describes methods and systems for generating digital and physical artifacts and souvenirs based on information gathered during extended reality (XR) sessions. Modules and sensors are used for artifact generation, including an emotion module, a training module, and an artifact module. Artificial intelligence systems, such as neural networks, are trained to improve the conversion process.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Generating digital and physical artifacts and souvenirs based on XR session data.
  • Modules and sensors for artifact generation, including emotion, training, and artifact modules.
  • Training artificial intelligence systems, like neural networks, to enhance the conversion process.
    • Potential Applications:**

The technology can be used in the entertainment industry, tourism, education, and marketing for creating personalized and memorable artifacts and souvenirs based on XR experiences.

    • Problems Solved:**

This technology addresses the need for improved artifacts and souvenirs that capture the essence of XR sessions and enhance the overall experience for users.

    • Benefits:**
  • Enhanced user experience with personalized artifacts and souvenirs.
  • Improved conversion process for generating artifacts based on XR session data.
  • Increased engagement and enjoyment of XR experiences.
    • Commercial Applications:**

Potential commercial applications include XR entertainment platforms, tourism agencies, educational institutions, and marketing companies looking to create unique and personalized artifacts for their customers.

    • Questions about the Technology:**

1. How does this technology improve the generation of artifacts and souvenirs based on XR sessions? 2. What are the potential commercial uses of this technology in various industries?

Original Abstract Submitted

methods and systems are described for generating digital and physical artifacts and souvenirs. the generating is based on information generated during extended reality (xr) sessions including augmented reality, consumption of three-dimensional content, four-dimensional experiences, next-generation user interfaces, virtual reality, mixed reality experiences, and interactive experiences. modules and sensors are provided for artifact generation. the modules and sensors may be interconnected to each other and to an xr device. the modules include an emotion module, a training module, and an artifact module. the methods and systems deliver improved artifacts for subsequent enjoyment of the xr experience. artificial intelligence systems, including neural networks, are trained for improving the conversion. models are developed for improving the conversion. related apparatuses, devices, techniques, and articles are also described.