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Organization Name



Marcus C. Andersson of Molndal (SE)

Marcel Escursell of Goteborg (SE)

METHOD & COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240238870 titled 'METHOD & COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT

The method described in the abstract is for treating a metal component produced by additive manufacturing by heating the metal to form a softened region and then applying a mechanical load to plastically deform the metal in the softened region.

  • Heating the metal component to form a softened region
  • Applying a mechanical load to plastically deform the metal in the softened region

Potential Applications: - Aerospace industry for improving the strength and durability of metal components - Automotive industry for enhancing the performance of metal parts - Medical industry for producing customized implants with improved properties

Problems Solved: - Enhancing the mechanical properties of metal components produced by additive manufacturing - Improving the overall performance and reliability of metal parts

Benefits: - Increased strength and durability of metal components - Customization of metal parts for specific applications - Enhanced performance and reliability of metal components

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Metal Component Treatment Method for Enhanced Performance This technology can be used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical for improving the properties of metal components, leading to better performance and reliability in applications.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior research on metal component treatment methods, additive manufacturing, and mechanical deformation processes to gain a deeper understanding of the technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly exploring new methods and materials to further enhance the treatment of metal components produced by additive manufacturing, leading to continuous advancements in the field.

Questions about Metal Component Treatment Method: 1. How does the method described in the patent application differ from traditional metal treatment processes? - The method involves heating the metal component to form a softened region before applying a mechanical load, which is a unique approach to treating metal parts. 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this method on a large scale in industrial settings? - The scalability of the process and the optimization of parameters for different metal components may pose challenges in industrial applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method is for treating at least one part of a metal component that is at least partly produced by additive manufacturing. the method comprises the steps of heating the at least one part of the metal component to form at least one softened region, and applying a mechanical load to the at least one softened region to plastically deform the metal in the at least one softened region.